I'm not noisy XP

Some people actually might think I'm all hyper,energitic,etc....

but to be honest with y'all I'm not even in one of these categories~ 

it only happens when I'm with my friends or cousins, otherwise I'm all quiet & sleepy.

YES! I'm always looking sleepy when I'm not around people I know!! that's what most people's impression are about me XD 

lol~ even my student ID/yearbook picture looks like~ lmao my friend thought I was high or something haha.. I wasn't and will never be! I just wasn't in the mood for that dummy picture~

I mean just imagine filling out papers from 12PM to 5PM,for 5 DAMN hours!! that's aside from going back and forth in my hih school and all that.... -_-" 

enough about my ID picture~ you guys really don't want to see my state ID picture lol! I took it when I was in 6th grade when I came back from Dan Deigo XD it was really hot down there near LA~ 

I really don't even know how did I got from explaining myself that I'm not noisy to all my IDs' pictures XD



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