If you're phillipino or know anything about PI dances, you'd know what tinikling is! If not then well it's a form of bamboo sticks dance!! 

Why I'm really excited you might ask? Because I'm performing this May <333 we'll be performing the phillipino version of tinikling while some of my other friends will be doing the Khmer versin :D

this will be my first performance since like 12 years ago XD but the first dance performance ever! I'm trying to stay calm about it since I don't really consider myself a great dancer in any form or way sadly, but I'm learning quickly lol! Thanks to my choreographer and teammates, it's kinda weird calling them that since even the choreo. Is my friend XP 

so yeah I'm really excited about performing this year and hopefully next year too if everything goes well, I'll try to do another art maybe lawl


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