What the ?

I was surfing the net when i found this video... 


You've gotta watch this! this is ridiculous!!
There are crazy people in this world ...
p.s. and please, read the comments ion the video and tell me your opinion.


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hm...i'm a christian...and i see what they're getting at...but i think the producers don't REALLY understand wat they're producing...they just saw some cool symbol and ceremony and decided to put it it....
...but if they DID use Illuminati on purpose, then GOODBYE SMENT!!
I'm sorry but I'm not even going to watch that. I saw the title and just couldn't. seriously? Avatar is satanic? A show that promotes harmony and equality? It's so sad that I can't even feel offended.

I respect people's views but people who believe that the Illuminati is a satanic cult or whatever just push their view onto you. I know plenty of people who believe this to be true.

Personally, I doubt that the Illuminati still exists (like an offspring of the original order not the ones that 'claim' to be the rightful bearers of the name), and if they did, they wouldn't be the satanic order that people nowadays think they are. They would be like they originally were; a bunch of people talking about science and creation and the bible and ____.

But let's say for argument's sake that the Illuminati still did exist, do they really think that every single person who is involved with or who is a celebrity, that they're actually ALL clever enough or dedicated enough to be initiated into an order like the Illuminati (no offence)? No, of course not, that would be ridiculous. And do people really think they'd waste their time on communist and satanic activities; slipping in subliminal satanic messages to bring us over to the dark side? Starting wars and killing presidants? Then I guess Monica Lewinsky is part of the damn Illuminati as well then.

And as far as orders go, one of my teacher when I went to school was a Freemason (maybe 2) and one of my family members was a Rosicrucian and there was nothing satanic about them.

I don't think people should take everything that they see literally. Watch it if you like, but please analyze it in your own way. People can believe in the New World Order if they like, but shouldn't do so because someone told them to but because THEY THEMSELF are completely without a shadow of a doubt convinced that it is here.