Idol Slant Episode 2 - My First Love Part II: Lee Sungmin



It’s actually a funny story – at least for me it is -, the way I “met” Sungmin.

It all began when my friend – the same that showed me “Gee” – showed me “Sorry Sorry”. I heard it once and then found myself humming the song during classes. So, when I got home, I decided I would check the MV.

It was all kind of fascinating: the dance, the boys, the scenes; I wanted to see it all. I saw it at least three times before deciding I would like to know who they were (confession time: when I watched the MV for the first time, I thought half of them were dancers and even asked my friend who were the singers xD), especially that cute guy that looked really handsome. So, I asked my friend “Who is that boy?” but since the flashes were too fast, I had to explain her in detail “You see, before the main chorus, there are two boys who sing one and then the other. I like the second, Anime’s friend”, I told her. She laughed. Let me explain: since I didn’t know who they were, I nicknamed Ryewook as “Anime” and Sungmin was his “friend” since he always sang after him.

That’s how my “Sungmania” started. After all, it only got worse – in a good way, obviously.

I started to pay more attention to Super Junior and, curiously, I liked his voice the most – without knowing it was him. When I found out, I just thought to myself “Well, this is faith! *o*” ahahaha xD

Well, first of all, let me just say that I consider Sungmin a “triple threat”. He’s a well-rounded idol and has improved a lot over the years, aiming for his best.

He has a great voice, at least from my P.O.V. And, when I say, “great voice”, I’m not saying he’s the best singer – I’m not that biased – but I just think he has a very good potential. He has a sweet voice, very pleasant to the ear and he is one of the best singers in Super Junior (maybe fourth or fifth after KRY?). It’s not by chance that he was casted for the male lead in three different musicals (I’ll talk about it later).

Not to talk about the projects he participated in: three singles/collaborations, five OST contributions, G20 Summit song and he’s a member of three of the four Super Junior sub-units.

In the dance department, he is also one of the best in Super Junior. He usually participates in dance battles, lately he’s been dancing in the front when promoting new songs – usually dancing during the dance breaks -  and he was part of “The Wonder Boys” (“Kissing You”, “Nobody”, “So Hot”, “Gee”, among others… Does this count as Sungmin being a good dancer? xD)


Now, I know many people forget Sungmin. He’s neither the most talkative guy nor the funniest, but he has charisma. What really bugs me is when people claim he’s just “average”, because he knows how to do basically everything, but he doesn’t excel in anything. Well, let me just say that the fact that Sungmin knows how to play various instruments, has one of the best voices and is one of the best dancers proves that he’s not “average”. It just proves he’s well rounded and a “triple threat”. That’s honestly my opinion.

In the acting department, Sungmin has also quite a record: five dramas, one movie and three musicals, all of them as a male lead. That’s something and I think it proves Sungmin’s value. He was also the host of Chun Ji with Sooyoung and later Sunny and is now a host, along with Ryewook, of “Kiss the Radio”, which I hear frequently.


And let’s not forget his talent for martial arts, using nunchuks and his love with pink! Things like this – conjugated with his sweet looks – make him very appealing to the female public – well, for me at least! 8D

Taking things to the romantic side, and as I said previously, I totally ship Sungmin with Sunny. They just look so perfect together, and they have, what it seems, a great friendship. I started shipping them just because they were my favorites from each group and when I searched their names together, I just spazzed xD I was so happy! It makes me really pleased when Sungmin said things along the lines of “I would like to participate in WGM with someone close… Sunny!” and things like that. Besides, they have a great chemistry – as you can see in Chun Ji, when they sang “Falling Slowly”, in IY, among other programs – and it’s just so cute to see them together, it makes my heart melt from the cuteness overload. It really does.

Now, with all of this, I could say “Sungmin is my ultimate bias, bla bla bla”… Well, he’s not. I don’t have an “ultimate bias” and the one who resembles the most to that title is Hoya (I’ll talk about him other time). However, Sungmin has a special place in my K-Pop heart and he’s one of the idols I like the most.


Some funny facts:

-       I also ship Sungmin with Kangin (because I also adore Kangin *o*), but it’s just for fun

-       When asked to complete the sentence “Super Junior is”, Sungmin answered “a theme park”

-       Sungmin showed me pink isn’t an awful color (I had a “pink-hating” phase)

-       He is actually very manly, despite his feminine looks



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