Books - Suggest me good readings please!

I need book recommendations. I absolutely love reading and lately I've been craving for books I wouldn't usually read.

I enjoy reading practically every genre (never read "dirty" - meaning - stuff though ahaha xD). I enjoy classics the most - being Jane Eyre a favorite for diverse reasons. I also like reading about dystopian worlds and fantasy/adventure books. I'm not really picky: the genre doesn't really matter, as long as it is well written and leaves me captivated. I have several books in my list of favorites, all of them different in many ways, but they all touched me somehow.

Now, despite having several bookshelves full of books of all kinds, I've been craving for something even I can't explain, I don't really know what it is. I just know I want to read it - as weird as it may sound.

I was thinking along the lines of science fiction (I don't think I've ever read any, really), dark humour (my kind of humour xD) or horror (a genre I only read once, I guess). 

Since I can't specify what I really really am craving for, I wish you guys could help me. Any genre is fine, really.

I need to step out of my Classics box and venture into new worlds.

So, please, recommend away :)

(my newest Jane Eyre copy - yes, I have more than one, just like that girl from Definitely, Maybe)


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Game of Thrones by G.G. Martin.
I freaking love the A Song of Ice and Fire series. If you like adult fantasy and realistic characters, you have to at least give the series a try.
Oooh um Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry, If I Stay by Gayle Forman, Fault in Our Stars by John Green (WHICH SHOULD TOTALLY BE A CLASSIC)...uhm