School! My Sophomore Year!

Okay School has already started!!! And the first week is already over!

I don't if I should be excited or not.  I already have a bunch of homework and I feel like this isn't going to be a good year...

Everyone's gotten taller, it's either that or I've gotten shorter (although I've wanted to be shorter.) heehee

Too me... School means less KPOP time T^T

The first 2 days were okay but the 3rd and 4th, we all had to start working.

Although I found out that in my 8th prd class, I'm a loner. T^T

What's worse is that it's my worst subject.

It's US Government and honestly... I have no care in what our government does as long as it doesn't involve the internet and taking my KPOP away from me.

I have no friends in there, I mean I do.  I just don't talk to them often and they have other besties there.  Plus there's a guy that I used to like in that class too.  I think he hates me though.  Ever since I told him that I liked him last year he doesn't even bother with a hi anymore.  We would always tease each other but now it's just an awkward staring contest. I've gotten over him in a month after I told him though. 

I'm a loner in my 7th period too.  It's design and tech.  I'm like one of the THREE girls out of 35!! 3 out of 35....  That's a lot of guys my friends. I don't have anyone but my best friend's friend.  He's a junior and he's really nice.  It's not that I like him though.  We're already working on a project.  But at least we have a common interest. KPOP!  The other 2 people in our group are nice too.  It's weird being the only girl....

My 1st period is algebra and my teacher is Ms. Byun!  (any relation to EXO BAEKHYUN?!?! ;DD if that was true...)  She had some trouble teaching but she talks like a preppy cheerleader. But she's nice too! So I don't mind...

Most of my classes are good though but I miss my freshman year.  It'll get better... right?


Between us, I used to have a tough image.  I kind of still do but I think it went down from 8th grade.  I used to say threats to anyone who bothered me...  But I guess people got close enough to see the real me and my image went down.  I don't if I should be proud or not but I turned into a more innocent girl then someone that was a . If you ask me, I hated my y side.  High School really does change you but so do a lot of other things. I don't have anything against my innocent side but people tease me.  But it's a friendly tease so it's nothing personal.

I think I still miss last year better.  I think it's because I would stay after with my friends and play tennis.  Except I stayed after with them on Friday and things didn't turn out so great.  But I had lots of fun except for the fact that I got scolded a few times. 


Then there's this senior that my friend likes!  We gave him a nickname of Hello Kitty.  (He has the same birthday as Hello Kitty, thats why.)  It's funny cause we would always burst into laughter when we see him.  Everytime he looks like us like we're crazy... It turned out he went to the same elementary school as me. I think he figured out that his nickname was HK by now though.  At least my friend has a crush...

I've moved on to KPOP.  My crushes will maintain in that world for now.  If reality hits me anytime soon, then I'll find a guy.  Until then, my goal is to go to KOREA!!!

AND B.A.P IS GOING TO KCON IN CALIFORNIA!!! I WANT TO MEET THEM SOOOOOOOOO BAD!!!!!!  I'M GOING TO LITERALLY CRY.  If I could see them, that'll be the best birthday present I'll ever recieve! But wishes don't always come true... T^T

LuvUKISS is signing off! 

Although I'll feel better when I talk to people like me.  That's why I love AFF <3 Bai Guys!!


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wow we're the same age? o u o;