Tangled Like Humans | Guideline to find the hidden message | Chapter 1

Hello there!

Since I realized a lot of people are having trouble with finding the message to the first extra chapter, I decided to write this blog post to help you with finding it :) I am thinking about making a blog post for every secret message, so it can help you when you are stuck :) Hope it helps!

First, I will explain the hints given at the end of the chapter, and then I will give an additional hint :) I won't give the hidden message away, but if you read until the end, I assume you should be able to find the message :)

Hint #1 - Sehun's first encounter with Luhan revolves around a particular topic. Can you find it back somewhere else?
Explanation: Their conversation was about souls, specifically 'window to the soul'. I deliberately made Luhan askt he last question 'Is art really the window to one's soul, Sehun-sshi?'. If you look at the end of the chapter, in the little foreword of 'Speaking without words', you will find the same kind of topic back somehow.

Hint #2 - Luhan used the same kind of style for his secret message in 'Original cliche'!
Explanation: Well, there really is no further explanation for this one. If you read 'Original cliche', you know how Luhn had hid his messages :).

Hint #3 - Link their conversation with the foreword of 'Speaking without words'.
Explanation: Use the first hint, and if you link it with the foreword, you should be able to find something. Sehun believes art is the window to the soul, while the forword asks for something to prove him wrong. Prove him that there is indeed something like a window to one's true self. So, if you link the two together, you actually are really close to the hidden message already!

Additional hint - It's hidden in the foreword
Explanation: For if you haven't realized already, the hidden message is hidden int he foreword of 'Speaking without words'. I'll never hide messages so illogically, that you'll never be able to find it. Especially when you will later have to look for the same messages as Sehun, it will be in the book self. Also, remember they're real words! So if you get something like LVEO than that's wrong! If you use the previous three hints with explanation, and this huge hint, I believe you'll be able to find it!

Hope you can find it now! :D
If not, don't hesitate to contact me in any way (like a blog comment below or wall post or private message) and I will do my best to help you further :D Or I may add more hints to this list above ;)




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yuu8713 #1
I wonder if you're going to post guideline for chapter 2.. & btw, please give us at least a week before updating with the 3rd chapter so that we can try to find the message.. :3 thank you..
jjkpop #2
or.......am i decoding the wrong thing?
jjkpop #3
I still can't get it, i get doiialiei. and that doesn't make sense doesn't it?