London Romances ✽ Application Form | Lee Sooyeon



London Romances
O f f i c i a l   A p p l i c a t i o n   F o r m 


 So, good day…
Username: junjun-
Nicknames: Cathy


 And, who are you exactly?
Original Character name: Lee Sooyeon
Nicknames: N/A
Nationality: Korean
Languages your OC knows: Korean, English
Ulzzang: Jihyeun
Image links:
            IMAGE 1 || IMAGE 2 || IMAGE 3
Back-up Ulzzang: Jung Sunga
Image links: 
            IMAGE 1 || IMAGE 2 || IMAGE 3


 So, tell me more about yourself.
Personality: ⌊ Limit to 2-3 paragraphs ⌉
┊Sooyeon is indifferent, quiet, and hardworking. She takes everything she does seriously and is always trying to climb higher. With a very closed mind and focused goals she is able to excel in anything she puts her mind to. She learns and adapts to situations well, so she's always a step ahead of others. She doens't believe in trusting others and sharing her feelings to people that don't really care. One of her biggest pet peeves is empty promises; she hates waiting and expecting for it to happen only to be disappointed. She also has slight OCD and can get really naggy about anything and everything that seems out of order.
Character Backstory: 
┊Sooyeon grew up in a rather isolated and strict living environment. Her parents have always enforced rules on her ever since she was little but eased up once she entered high school. She never really bonded with any other kids at school and her parents were always at work, leaving her with herself and the maids. Sooyeon grew used to taking care of everything herself despite the maids' persistent help. Her parents taught her to be a leader and excel in everything she does, promising to not meddle with her more personal life. She was a lonely child and still is, lacking the love and support she needs. Despite all this Sooyeon understands her parents and does everything she can to fulfill their wishes. She matured at a young age with big dreams: to never disappoint her parents.
  • Compliments
  • Fairytales/myths/legends
  • Rollercoasters
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • The supernatural
  • Snow
  • Listening to the rain
  • When her hair is touched/played with
  • Sweet things
  • Being in large/loud crowds
  • Injustice
  • Summer (hot weather)
  • Public displays of affection
  • Being embarrassed in public
  • Dirty/messy places/things/people
  • Fake people
  • Reading
  • Jogging around the soccer field
  • Writing in her journal
  • Watching movies
  • Working out
  • Upset: At night she brings out the soccer balls and shoots them into the goal on the soccer field.
  • Sad: Zoning out all the time, even during class, not eating anything.
  • Jealous: Zoning out all the time, not talking at all. When she's alone in her room she'll scribble in her journal and punch her pillow.
  • Mad: Locks herself in her room and cries, writing furiously in her journal, silent treatment.
  • Excited: Smiling, giggling more often. Doodling in her journal.
  • Anxious/Nervous: Zoning out all the time, twirling her hair, fidgeting with her hands.


 Let’s talk about school, shall we?
Average academic performance: 4
Brief description of your OC in class: 
┊Sooyeon tries her hardest in class. She always pays attention to the teacher and temporarily filters her brain out of anything but the subject. She has a very high level of concentration so she can even shut out the students that are snoring/talking. Sooyeon is very good at taking notes meticulously with coloured pens and highlighters. She loves the idea of learning and teaching.
Strongest subject: Philosophy
  • Logic
  • Ethics
Weakest subject: Art
School Club joined: Soccer
Average participation/punctuality: 5



 And your family?
  • Father | Lee Junhyuk | 47 | CEO of own company | Junhyuk is the strict CEO, husband, and father. Whatever he says, is. No buts, no second chances. He is a born leader with an aura that is sometimes suffocating. Although strict, everything he does is what's for the best. He is very fair in making decisions but can sometimes be ridiculous when it comes to his precious daughter. Sooyeon sometimes feels intimidated but understands where he's coming from. They are a little distant but care for each other very much and show it without the other knowing. They have the same stubborn personalities so arguments can get big and both aren't fond of skinship.

  • Mother | Kang Minjung | 45 | Restaurant owner | Minjung is strong, sophisticated, and smart. To her friends and customers she's the perfect woman. She runs a romantic western-styled restaurant where everything from the food to the decorations are solely her creation. Just like her husband, her business tends to be more important than her only daughter. She believes in strict educational discipline and independence, so she lets Sooyeon figure her life out herself as long as she becomes successful. She trusts Sooyeon to do well by herself so they are distant but once in a while she will buy gifts or take Sooyeon out for dinner. She's not good with skinship so she stopped hugging Sooyeon ever since she turned 10. Minjung always wants what's best for her daughter but more often than not she pushes her away. 



 What was that? St. Bernard’s? The Boys’ School? Well, well, well~
Main Love Interest: Tao
Does he like you already? Yes
Do you like him already? No
Brief description on how you met: 
┊Sooyeon met Tao on a rainy day. Kris came by her house to pick up some things for his mother from Sooyeon's mother. He dragged his good friend Tao along to help him hold stuff. Tao was surprised they knew each other because he recognized her as the striker for the soccer team. He was actually interested in her when he first went to watch one of the games and continued to go to see her. Ever since he saw her that rainy day he's been asking Kris about her and watching her from afar. 


Second Love Interest: Kris
Does he like you already?  No
Do you like him alreadyYes
★ How you met:
┊Kris is Sooyeon's mother's friend's son. His mother came over to Sooyeon's for tea when the nine year-olds first met. Although it was awkward and they avoided each other, after a few times of seeing each other they grew fond of each other. They aren't very close but Kris always greets her when they bump into each other with a warm smile so Sooyeon developed a crush on him. She felt like one of the few people that Kris smiles for and loves his soft side, a side that he doesn't show just to anyone. 


Third Love Interest: Lay
Does he like you already?  Yes
Do you like him already? No



Fourth Love Interest: D.O
Does he like you already?  Yes
Do you like him already? No


 Anything else you would like to say?
            Suggestions? Comments? Talk to us~ 
Type away~



 Thank you for applying.
Parting gifts for us?  ⌊ insert image links to the words provided of one EXO-K bias (Keychained) and one EXO-M (Akemi143) bias ⌉


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