Application for Fate ! ^^





Profile Link:

Name:Lee Sooyeon


(You are all going to be born in Heaven, and you are all Korean)

Home Town:Busan

Laguages Spoken:English, Korean, French

Do you want any magic powers?:Yes

Magic:The ability to be invisible.


Personality:Sooyeon is very soft-spoken. She doesn’t like to talk much except with people that she trusts. She tends to have a straight face and rarely has a smile on her face. She’s honest and always has something on her mind. She tends to think a lot but never says any of it. Expressing her feelings is hard for her so sometimes she can be awkward. She doesn’t like to act on impulse and will always think everything through before acting. She has a pure heart that is very understanding of others. She hates to be the center of attention and prefers to be alone. She is very insecure of herself because of her high expectations and really appreciates it when others compliment her. Although she seems really fragile and gullible, she is actually the opposite. She has a strong heart (more like already numb from pain) and has a hard time letting people in on her secrets. She always pushes people away from her but if you actually try to take the time to know her, she will be very loyal and supportive of you. She gets happy by the littlest things and is never asking for too much: just your loyal and true heart.

Child Hood History:Sooyeon is an only child with parents that couldn’t care less about her. They are both busy people and tend to always have meetings so they come home really late. Sooyeon takes care of her daily life herself and is used to being independent. The Lee family hired maids to take care of the household but Sooyeon usually does everything herself and treats the maids as friends. She has never had many friends growing up and doesn’t like to get too close with the maids. At school she likes to keep to herself and only talks to her best friend. Growing up Sooyeon has always been at the top of her class and will help others if they ask, but she never talks to others first.

→Horror movies
→Junk food
→Sunny days
→Watching the sky/clouds/stars
→Seeing others happy
→Being alone

→Rainy days
→Loud people
→Being around a lot of people
→Cold weather
→Bright colours

→Going for walks
→Playing the guitar

→Zoning out/day-dreaming when bored or anxious
→Watching and observing people that she has a crush on
→Walking around quickly without any noise
→Going away to be alone when there are huge crowds of people or just watching from afar
→Twirling her hair when she’s happy/excited
→Singing when she thinks she’s alone

→Is a great swimmer
→Doesn’t have any piercings
→Wishes she had an older brother to take care of her
→Doesn’t have any fears but is afraid of being abandoned by the people she loves
→Has a black belt in Taekwondo

Other Talents:Taekwondo, guitar.

Persona: Mysterious Beauty


Family Members          Name / Age / Occupation / Relationship:

→Lee Junhyuk / 48 / Businessman / Father; They’re not close because they barely see each other although he always puts money in Sooyeon’s bank account at the beginning of each month.
→Song Soojin / 45 / Realtor / Mother; Also not close with Sooyeon but will make sure to send pretty clothes to her every month.

Rich/ Poor / Middle Class

Lover:Sunggyu / Myungsoo

How do you want him to be like around you: He likes to make jokes to make her laugh and is very protective of her. He likes to watch her quietly and is always near her. He gets shy sometimes but tries to show his manly, confident side. He tends to do things to help her without her knowing and when it seems like she’s frustrated or unhappy, he will talk to her and try to help her.

Any Boyfriend/Crushes now:N/A

If, so Name / Occupation / Age / Relationship: N/A


Best Friends: APink’s Jung Eunji (They’re both from Busan so they like to talk in the dialect together.)


Ulzzang/Idol Name:Kim Shin Yeong


Back-Up Ulzzang/ Idol Name:Kang Su Ra

Back-up Pictures:

Question: If one day, some strange guys came to you and asked you to come with them because they need your help, how would you react like? Sooyeon would hesitate and think things through a hundred times before saying yes. She would ask a lot of questions about why and who they were before deciding on an answer. Even after accepting she would still be cautious and careful of them.

PassWord:A bias? I can never have a definite bias in Infinite because all of them have such different charms but I definitely tend to lean towards Sunggyu. How can you not love him and his non-existent eyes? -->  -_- <3

Any comment/suggestions/questions?: This seems so interesting.. I’m so excited for it! ^^

Do you want anything special to happen between you and your lover?Scene Request: One day when everyone is having some kind of celebration/party Sooyeon walks away to spend some time alone and she starts singing “Lucky” by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat. Her lover follows her and starts singing with her.

Do you guys prefer reading some in the story:Maybe ;)


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