
Warning: This is basically talking about about my school work.

For the past two days, I've been working on my homework and projects until almost 9 at night, and then I'm so tired I fall asleep not long after that. I've written more about Stonehenge and All Quiet on the Western Front than I want to in the rest of my lifetime (althugh the part about Stonehenge did help me with the development of the plot of a certain fanfic :3). I'm a freshman in highschool, and my friends who are seniors have had much, much less work than I have.

I have 7 classes during the day, and that includes two science classes, which are both honors, a world geography class which is basically two classes in one, and I have 2 textbooks for it, an English II class that requires a lot of analyzing of a certain novel that I mentioned before, a regular chorus class, French II (which is my favorite), and an advanced chorus class. Did you notice anything about those? That's 8 classes, when there's only 7 periods during school. Because of my schedule, I was unable to just move up to the advanced chorus, so I have to learn the music for both, and still attend after school rehearsals.

French is my favorite class, with only 11 students. Only four of us are freshmen. I was actually able to make new friends in that class, which is weird for me because I find it hard to talk to people!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ One of them shares a name with a certain K-Pop artist. 

After school, I get to go to dance class, piano, academic team, acting, and voice lessons. It's all really fun, but I am super tired at the end of the week. But, I'm not complaining about those, only the homework / projects. Do any of you remember when I said "I need to go work on my project now!" in a blog post not too long ago? I posted that around 2 pm where I live. I finished at about 10. Fun.

So, whenever I have free time between classes, I'm writing the next chapter of a fanfic or working homework. Usually the fanfic, because that's more fun. :3 

To help me become energized and focus more on my work, I'm creating a playlist of awesome music to listen to while I'm working!!!!!! ^^

1. Bloody Rabbit (Yuki Kajiura) (from Pandora Hearts)

2. Contractor (Yuki Kajiura) (also from Pandora Hearts)

3. Nowhere (Fiction Junction YUUKA) (from Madlax)

4. Lost Command (Yuki Kajiura) (from Madlax)

5. Margaret (Yuki Kajiura) (from Madlax)

6. Calendula Requiem (Kanon Wakeshima)

7. 69-II (ViViD)

8. Madlax (Yuki Kajiura) (from Madlax)

9. Tea Party (Kerli)

10. Neverland (U-Kiss)

11. Believe (U-Kiss)

12. No Mercy (B.A.P.)

13. Dancing In the Rain (B.A.P.)

14. Mon Ange (Jena Lee)

15. Du Style (Jena Lee)

16. Ai Mei (Rainie Yang)

17. Kiss Me (G. Na)

18. All Around Me (Flyleaf)



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