
OMG School starts tomorrow and I'm not very prepared LOL

I just finished packing my bag and wow, it's so light. But then I realized that I have to lug around a huge Spanish textbook.

I'm just glad I actually passed! I barely passed but then a miracle happened and my grade was boosted up like 20 points O__O

And the good thing is, I start school at 9:34 every day! YES! I finally get to sleep in!


I don't wanna go tomorrow but I wanna see my friends. The only people I don't wanna see are those really y girls who act like they are all that. Like really? Does popularity matter or grades? Because I'm pretty sure that with your crappy grades, you will not have a good chance at getting into college.


Well, gotta prepare myself mentally and physically for school.


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wonwoojpeg #1
I just got home from my first day, man it was boring xD
My advisor was also the science teacher and so we were sitting in the science lab the whole day, talking about the rules.
I didn't even get to see my friends since they're like on the other side of the school xD
Anyways, good luck!!
Good luck!!! The first day is always the most interesting but afterwards....not so much -.-
I'll start in about a week too >.<