Autumn Melody


*Autumn Melody form*

Username: DangerousMonster

Profile link: Click Here

Nickname to call you: Germaine


Name: Kim Moon Ri

Age: 18

Birth Date: 28 Janurary,1994

Ethnicity: Korean

Hometown: Canada,Montreal

Languages:  French (F), English (F), Korean(F) & Mandarin (M)

Nickname(s): Lune(It's mean Moon in French)

Stage Name: Moon


Positon: Vocal/ Lead Dancer

Backup position: Main Vocal/ Lead Dancer

Trainee years background: Her trainee days were not easy but they were fun. She loved being able to do what she loved everyday. She hated having to deal with her asthma and not let anyone know. She pushed through those things just making sure she always had her inhailer with her. She tried to her best to show that she could do this even with asthma in her way even if no one really knew about it. One day, she worked so hard about 7 hours when she fainted. 

Ulzzang/idol for appearence: Kang Sura

Links: 01 02 03 

Backup ulzzang/idol: Jang Chom Mi

Links: 01 02 03


-She's a big fan of Super Junior

-Her ideal type is TOP.

-She likes the colour indigo.

-She doesn't like to colour pink.

- She likes EXO-M more than EXO-K.

-She speaks in French when she's bored.


Style: She likes to wear shorts and skinny jeans is casual. For something important, she likes to wear dresses with high heels but not too high or she'll fall. At home, she's prefer to wear short with a shirt.

Casual 01 02 03

Formal 01 02 03




Fanclub name & colours: Moonlight__Indigo


Personality: Moon Ri has a cat-like personality.She can be lazy at times and is independent.Also like a cat she is always curious about new learning new things.She is a very heavy sleeper,so the only way of waking her up is to tickle her.But if you do tickle her then there is a high chance that you would either get kicked or punched.It is very obvious when she is upset because she will be sulking or she will be mumbling to herself.Moon Ri also have days where she is etiher moody or especially hyper.When she sees somebody sad she would try to cheer them up by doing gags.Let's just say that when Moon Ri is around,you won't be bored.She is also one of the most care-free and outgoing person you will ever meet.

Likes: Food, funny persons, calm places, action movies, comic books and cartoons.


Dislikes:  rude persons, overrated persons/ group,spiders, bugs, aegyo,

Fears: Height, Clowns, Spiders

Habits: (3+)


Persona: Kitty Monster

Love Interest name: Him Chan

Links: 01 02 03 

Backup ulzzang/idol/actor: Bang Yong Guk

Links: 01 02 03

Age: 21

Personality: He can a flirt-  meaning-less flirt at that.  He's got the charisma, flirty nature, and what not; but he doesn't know how to use it correctly. He can be dork, stumbling over his words, but then he can be a jerk, loud and proud. His strong nature sometimes comes off as a lost grizzly bear acting like a teddy bear, but hey he's cute when he does it.  He's a big mouth, and anything that comes to his big mouth is said.  He's not good with words, but good with actions.


Persona: Gummy Smile

Friends: Luna, Sulli, T-ae & Sehun

Best friends: Xia, Dae Hyun,Di & P.O

Rival: n/a

Why (rivals): n/a

Which song do you want for A.M's debut?: Shampoo-after school, A-Pink-I don't know




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