━♔} toxic ; Jin-K



How often are you on AFF?: 


♔ the poison.

Name:  Park Jin Kyong


Stage Name: Jin-K


Nickname(s):  Kyong, Jinjin & Jenny.




Blood Type:  A


Age: 21


Birthday: Feburary 14,1991


Birthplace: Incheon, Korea


Hometown: L.A, US


Languages: Korean, English & Mandarin [All fluent]


Weight: 52 kg


Height: 170 cm


Appearance: No. Her hair still her natural color, Black.


Ulzzang Name: Kang Sura || 01 02 03 04 05


Back-up Ulzzang: Jang Chom Mi (Chom)|| 01 02 03


Style: Casual 01 02 03      Formal 01 02 03    Dorm 01 02 03   Practice 01 02 03


Personality: Jin Kyong tends to have snappy and rude tounge on her. She can a be cold hearted person with a pretty good poker face. She isn't a quiet and softspoken person. She's very blunt and tells you like it is. She's a regular loud mouth acid venom throwing voice. She's never been known to be a sweet or kind person. She's always been one of the girl's that doesn't care much about the people around her only if she wants too. She's not the most friendliest person in the world. She's never been. Although she's not the nicest person, she knows how sweet talk boys. She can also be a big flirt with a y side to her. She knows what to say to get what she wants. She can be a sweet talker just saying the right things to get the guy that she wants. She's pretty good at stunning people with her flirty side. She knows what she wants and knows how to get most of the time. She can manipulate people to get what she wants as well. She's usually one of those girls who's not an innocent girl. Her flirting is usually witty and snarky. Cute and Sweet again is not like her. She usually doesn't flirt with boys younger than her. She usually treats them like little brothers snice she does have one herself. She's not one to get jealous easily but sometimes it does bubble up inside of her. It usually doesn't show unless she tells someone. She usually doesn't do anything about she really has to. She's got a temper for sure. She's not very good at controling the fire inside of her. Her temper can lash out like wild fire. She can start lashing back instantly if you provoke her. She doesn't pick and choose her battles since she expects herself to win most of them. She does have a lot of confendicne in herself. She doesn't know where she get's it, but she has it. Most say that she can be a fire cracker when she wants to be. She doesn't hold back to tell you that she doesn't like you or that she does like you. She can be a bit rude and cold if you get on her bad side.


All people have their breaking point, and so does she. She tends to bottle up a lot of her problems since she doesn't like to talk about them. After taking something for so long then she'll break. It usually involes locking herself in her room and crying the whole day; that's the way she gets things out most of the time. She usually doesn't want to be around others when she's in her breaking point. She usually is by herself untill she pulls herself together. People that know her really know that it's best not to pray to talk to you, and just to leave her alone. Just give her time to talk to you. Most will just hug her then sit with her since sometimes actions are better than just talking.

Hobbies: Drawing, writing lyrics, listening music,shopping, play games on internet.


Habits: Mumble when she's thinking, pouts when she's upset, bites her lips when she's worried , roll her eyes when she's annoyed & talk to herself.


Trivia/Facts: She's a big fan of Big Bang. She hates Bananas. She's allergic to milk. Her favorite color is Indigo. She don't like the colour pink. 


♔ the life.

Background: Jin Kyong was born eight weeks early. She was put in a incubator to develop her organs and other things fully. She gain asthma from being born that early. She had to stay in the Hospital for a long time after being born. Her mother stayed with her untill she was ready to leave. She left a couple months after being born. Her parents already her room ready. She grew up in a wealthly neighbor. Her parents only left her play with the rich kids when she was young. Her mother also thought it would be a nice idea to sign her up for dance lessons in ballet, pointe, contemporary, and lyrical. She loved her frist class and stuck with all of the dances. To get away from her parents, school, and other things she would sneak off to the dance studio and just dance.  She went to school just like any other girl. She wasn't good at a school. She was not behind on her developmental processes, she just didn't care about school. She usually just sat in her desk and looked at the teacher all day. She didn't play with the other kids. She would just sit on the swing and push herself.

When her little brother started school a year after her, she would be around him. They are very close and spend most of the time together. When they got older, he did most of her homework. He also tutored her so that his father wouldn't get mad at her for not making good grades. When she started highschool she was put in a situation of flunk or work. Flunk was the better option. She would hang out with the trouble makers males, and was the 'oppa killer' around them. Her brother found out when Jin Kyong came home with one night. He didn't like it and told her that she needed to step up. It was their frist fight in years. They yelled at each other which seemed for hours  He started doing her work again and tutoring her when she would come earlier enough. When she was in highschool she was dating the guy of her dreams. The first year was fine, he didn't hit her or drag her around. After their sophmere year, everything changed. Himself changed, he never let her hang out with her guy model friends or any other guy at at that matter. If she did, then she got hit or slapped and told that he was the only guy that coudld have her. He wasn't the cute, funny, loving guy he use to be. He called her vulgar things all the time, and told her she was useless and being pretty was the only thing going for her. He said that he only liked her because she made others jealous of him and she was pretty and rich. He was rough with her and left brusies most of the time. He would only let go once she burst into tears begging him just to leave her alone. After awhile of taking all of his crap, her close friends told him that he had to leave her alone and that they were over. But then again, taking two years of abuse from a guy whom you thought loved you, is hard to get over.

She started to be by herself only really talking to her very close friends and not going to any of her dance classes anymore. She kept her boyfriend a secret for along time till her brother found out and begged her to tell their parents. She told him no and just to kept a secret between the two. He told her parents anyway and Jin Kyong didn't speak to him for weeks. Her parents tired to help but in the end they just pushed her off to her own apartment to figure it out on her own.


Family: Her mother is Park Seo Jin, she's 47 years old. She had her daugther, Jin Kyong at 26 years old. When she found out her adventure with her boyfriend, she becomes closer with Jin Kyong then, they lost contact when Jin Kyong becomes a trainee. She is married to Park Hoon Chi. He's a 53 years old doctor in the biggest hospital of Seoul. He wasn't happy to found out about her adventure and he pushed her to go in her own appartement. They doesn't talk together since THAT day. This couple, had a little boy one year after Jin Kyong, his name is Park Kyung Hoon. He's now 20. He's close with Jin Kyong. They talk together a lot and he gives some news about her parents. 


Friends: Lee Tae Eun has 19 years old. She mets Jin Kyong at the last year of High School when Jin Kyong was a trainee. They were in the same class. They became friends easily like lost friends. 


Best Friends: Jang Min Ji has 20 years old. This girl is from L.A. They were best friend since a young age. They never lost contact together. 


Crush/Boyfriend: They meet when Jin Kyong was in a sport shoes shop. She wanted to buy a pair of shoes for her brother .Him Chan and her wanted the same shoes and the same size. It was the last one,Him Chan let her have her sport shoes. They both laugh at the situation and they keep contact. Him Chan can a flirt-  meaning-less flirt at that.  He's got the charisma, flirty nature, and what not; but he doesn't know how to use it correctly. He can be dork, stumbling over his words, but then he can be a jerk, loud and proud. His strong nature sometimes comes off as a lost grizzly bear acting like a teddy bear, but hey he's cute when he does it.  He's a big mouth, and anything that comes to his big mouth is said.  He's not good with words, but good with actions.


Years of Training: 3 years


Trainee life:  Her trainee days were not easy but they were fun. She loved being able to do what she loved everyday. She hated having to deal with her asthma and not let anyone know. She pushed through those things just making sure she always had her inhailer with her. She tried to her best to show that she could do this even with asthma in her way even if no one really knew about it. One day, she worked so hard about 7 hours when she fainted. That's how papa YG found out about her asthma & he took precaution if it's happen again.

Persona: Dangerous Treasure (Jin Kyong means; Truth, treasure & brightness)



[Choose from this list; put a "1" beside your first choice and "2" beside your second choice

1♔ Main Vocalist ; the girl in the group with the powerful voice, can reach the high/difficult notes.

♔ Main Dancer ; the girl who's got all the right and the best dance moves in the group; will get lots of solo dance breaks in songs. 

2♔ Lead Rapper ; the girl who's rapping skills are flawless. 

♔ Lead Vocalist ; the girl in the group with an equally powerful voice as the main vocalist.

♔ Lead Dancer ; the girl in the group who is an equally great dancer

[main rapper is taken by moi, that's why it isn't there.]


[Pick ONE from this list. Obviously if you're a main vocalist, you can't be a supporting vocalist, if you're the main dancer, you can't be a supporting dancer]

♔ Supporting Vocalist

***♔ Supporting Dancer 


[I will pick the visual. I may also have to change positions around. Maknae is based on age and the Leader is based on personality, not age (although I'd like to be leader...)]


Anything else?:


 image(Jong Uppiee *w*)


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