❊ℱull ℳoon ℳansion❊ Application

 ull oon ansion

Kim Seul Mi


The Real Me

username: dino-nerd525

name: Kyra

activeness: 5.5

The Trapped Exotics

name: Ryu Bo Bae

nicknames: Bo (short for Bo Bae)- close friends and family; BB (first letters of Bo and Bae)- other kingkas and queeknas

age: 18

birthday: July 13th, 1994

place of birth: San Diego, California

hometown: Busan, Korea

ethnicity: Korean-American

languages: Korean, English (both fluent)

profanities? no



Bo Bae. Known as a born leader and a born queenka. Pretty? Yes. Rich? Yes. Popular? Yes. Probably one of the meanest girls out there? Oh yeah. Bo Bae has always been one of those unkind, inconsiderate queenkas that does whatever she pleases. She is only nice to those that are special to her. The ones that even dared to talk to her. Others, well, let's just say she can control anything they do. She is more of one of those girly girls. You know, the ones that freak out if they break their nails, the ones that will flirt nonstop even if they know they are being super duper obvious. She always has people around her, and not to brag, but she's the most popular girl in school. What she doesn't know, though, is that people doesn't do what she says because they want to or because they like her. Heck, they actually hate her. They do it because they're scared of her.

Bo Bae is known as a full-duty trouble maker. She is always getting into some kind of trouble, whether it's with her parents, her teachers, or anyone. She doesn't really care, though. She's never been that good of a student or daughter, anyway. She isn't that smart (or so she says and shows) and she has the "inappropriate attitude". She loses her temper quite easily and can explode on you whenever you do the least of touching her without her permission. Bo Bae is also a word twister. She can always make it the other person's fault, even if it is hers. 

Little do people know, under that thick layer of mean, is just another layer in need of repair. Bo Bae hasn't had the best history and background, probably making her like how she is now. Deep down, and I mean WAAAAAY deep down in her heart, she can be very kind and understanding. This side always comes out if someone is in danger or is in trouble. She isn't totally heartless. She has a sense of humor and knows how to have fun.



-American foods

-manicures and pedicures


-getting what she wants



-magic tricks

-amusement parks


-dance parties





-waking up early

-when someone talks about family

-being thought of as cute or weak

-crying in front of people

-horror movies

-her own hysterical laugh


-lightning: she cries whenever she sees or hears it. She has always been used to being home alone and whenever there was ever a lightning storm she would always get so scared

-snakes: her brother was killed by a poisonous snake bite. She always tries to run and escape when there's one in sight.

-drowning/water: she can't swim and will panic


-snorting when laughs hysterically (reason why she hates it)

-blinks rapidly when about to cry

-rolls eyes when mad

-cracks neck when irritated

-sleep walking and talking. When she sleep talks, she says what was on her mind or bothering her the whole day.






-listening to music

-hanging out with friends


-she has a soft spot for children and animals

-there is only one food that she doesn't like (see next trivia)

-she is deathly allergic to seafood and if not getting imediate attention, could die

-despite her flirtiness and popularity, she has only dated a guy once

-still hasn't had her first kiss

-wears glasses but prefers contacts

-was a nerd in midle school

-is actually really smart but doesn't show it

-has a pet chow chow named Bear



Kim Seul Mi-





style: Something simple yet stylish. Usually a random shirt with denim shorts or jeans.

casual/everyday: 001 002 003

formal: 001 002 003

sleepwear: 001 002 003

beach: 001 002 003

My Exolicious Relationships

love interest: Chen

personality: Chen likes to tease people a lot, usually in a kidding or joking way. He is very sarcastic and has a big sense of humor. He seems mean and like he doesn't care, but he always means well. On the inside, he cares a lot for people. Chen is also quite a trouble maker and loves having fun. He is very outgoing and doesn't care what others think of him, as long as he's having fun is all that matters. Chen is blunt and to the point. If he doesn't like something, he'll say it. If he doesn't like you, he won't say it, he'll show it based on his actions.


-dislikes girls like... Bo Bae

-has an amazing singing voice but doesn't show it

-likes hanging out with friends and having fun

-plays piano

-ideal type is a noona that can take care of him

-also likes wearing simple clothing

-favorite music genre is R&B

love story: When the two first meet, it's hate at first sight. Since Chen hates girls like her and Bo Bae hates not getting what she wants, it was perfect. The two hate each other a lot. Bo Bae tries to make life for him a living hell by playing pranks on him. Like, really serious pranks. Chen always teases her and makes her get so irritated. Although the two fight a lot, they started getting used to each others' annoyingness. Chen even kind of thought of her as cute and liked teasing her after a while. In the end, Bo Bae ends up with him.

best friend: Tao. Tao is the only one that made her feel really safe and comforted. They understand each other and also enjoy shopping, so it's a win-win. Tao sees pass Bo Bae's mean layer and Bo Bae really respects him for that.


Baekhyun (enemy): Let's just say that their first encounter with each other was how they... became enemies. Bo Bae, being the kind of girl she is, saw Baekhyun and thought he completely H-O-T HOT. She actually went up and flirted with him, not caring about anything. What she didn't expect, though, was for him to reject her. Not only did he do that, he totally told her off, saying how he knew that Bo Bae was that kind of person. Offended, Bo Bae fought back and they continued shouting and arguing at each other. That's what happens almost every time they see each other.

I Miss Them

memories: One thing she DOESN'T miss is her parents. They've never been there for her and she barely saw them anyways since they were always out working. She misses her brother ever since he was killed by that snake bite, her maid that really was the one that raised her when her parents couldn't, and her ex-boyfriend. She still has feelings for him. However, they broke up a couple of months ago and Bo Bae covers up her heartbreak with a smile.

reason: She got an invitation from her ex-boyfriend to meet her up there to talk. She was hoping he would take her back so she fell for it. Little did she know, it was really a prank from some other people at her school.

I Guess this is Goodbye (optional)

comments: Thanks for viewing! If you want me to fix anything, feel free to ask! Good luck!

scene requests: There is a lightning storm and Bo Bae gets scared so Chen comforts her






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