y, icy girl..

right now, im back with my Y personality again! for some reason, i love my attitude because i do not have to care about anyone,, i mean ANYONE! i just too tired to be someone who always smile even im hurt inside.. but im kinda sad for my rommates becoz they have to face my y face, my icy acting, my mute mouth and else.. im sorry but im in expressed myself! really !! i think that just be icy,cold girl is the best because i dont want to cry infront of other people.. just let them to hate me, and keep my problem by myself.. thats better, right??


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XxxZoiExxX #1
It maybe good only if u don't have anyone
But u rly should find someone to tell so that
you won't have to feel alone.
Don't keep your feelings inside.... find a friend that will listen to you... I was once like this but i found someone who i can talk to ad someone that would listen to me...:D
but there's a thing you should change, don't keep your problems all by yourself, look for a REAL friend or if you can't find one I'm here I'll listen.
also we're the same in pretending. I don't want anyone to see me cry eventhough I always do it bv when they are asking why I'll just ignore them! I also choose my friends I dont want to be friends with popular girls! Girl, I'm a ____ and I know it! Coz ____ is a dog, dog barks, bark's on the tree, trees are part of nature and nature is beautiful so I'm proud to be one!
We have the same personality! ____y and stuff but I felt so bad 'coz I think I'm too frank if someone asked something but sometimes I kept ignoring those whose asking me. It's not that bad right? I just can't express myself!
and also, do you really want to look in the mirror at yourself everyday and clal yourself a '____y, icy girl'?? do you?? do you really? well if you do then i'm telling you its just making yourself sadder for no reason.
but on the other hand some people just do it like as an experiment coz they just feel like it and its like short term, that's sorta fine i guess since its just for a short while, but just saying there's no need to hide your feelings if you feel that the people around you wont' understand you, because you can let them understand you more if you be more open. also if you think your friends are open enough/flexible enough and will undersatnd you if you talk to them, then try it ^^ you never know until you try. woah that was a lot. and also none of you are cold girls ok? :) everyone in this world is nice ^^ and also if you feel that no one will understand you dont'w orry ok? there is always someone out there who can see through you ^^ ok taht's it. ppyong ^^
hey guys.... well from all my drama watching lol... i want to say, are you just doing it because you're afraid of showing your true feelings towards somethings? well you dont' ahve to be ^^ im ean, its just like fears. you need to face them one day right? so its like if you make this a habit, then when you see something that you super like you'll have a habit to hide your simle and then you will become very quiet and sad all the time because you see people around you very open and happy. and if you have problems, you could try telling your friends, or a close teacher or soemthing. trust me. there's always some teachers in your schools who will be willing to listen to your problems and not tell other people, so it will just be like telling them your problems. :) and also, its more happy if you be more open about your feelings, that way other poeple will know how you feel and you can share happines ^^ if you are keeping quiet because you think your words are hurtful, then you can slowly train yourself to not say harmful things, just pase and think before you speak... (continued in next comment lol_)
KamiliaBBC #8
i knw how u feel...I'm in that position of yours right now too... :)
frozen_tears #9
ericachan: do u impressed by me? aha!

aimee2304: thanks for understanding my situation.. ^^
you know i think it's not right 'cause i have tried it myself but you know it is tiring being cold...i wish my advice would help
Wow. Just wow.
To actually make a blog post about your attitude is just... So...