My Username

Okay, so I have had SO MANY people ask me why my username is "SaranghaeSuJuChullie" when my ultimate bias [and love :D] is Kim Myungsoo of Infinite.

It's a long story...

So, many years ago, I was watching Nigahiga's "Bromance" video on Youtube and for those of you who have seen it, JAY PARK FROM 2PM MAKES AN APPEARANCE IN IT... Ryan Higa, you have no idea how much I envy you...=.= So anyways, I had never seen Jay before and I thought he was kinda cute [that's right, I actually said that...omg I actually said that...OAO] so I looked him up and found out that he was the leader of a Kpop group. I looked up 2PM and watched their "Again and Again" MV and I thought that it sounded weird at the time because I was into Japanese music [I'ma go back in time and kill myself for that for reasons you don't need to know...>.>]. SO, being the idiot I was, I left it.

Then, in the summer of 2011, my family and I went back to Vietnam to visit our relatives and my mom's aunt's house has a TV with a channel dedicated to Kpop. That's where I first heard Super Junior's Bonamana playing...but the screen didn't show who the song was by or what it was called. So, when I came back to Canada, I spent freakin' TWO MONTHS trying to find out what the song was. I was typing in random shiz like "bounce to you" [cause those were the only lyrics I remembered from their song XD LOL] and "lyrics" and "Korean" OMG, it was PAINFUL...But anyways, I finally found it on a video on youtube where the person rated it as their number 1 favourite song [whoever made that video, I FREAKIN' LOVE YOU]...So basically it was by chance.

Anyways, so, that was the start of my obsession with Super Junior [so that explains the SuJu part in my username]. I found out about Infinite not long after, but I only listened to their songs; I didn't look up any of the members yet [PABO!!!] Then a while later, I picked Kim Heechul as my bias from the band. I wasn't crazy in love with him; I loved him more like an oppa [not boyfriend "oppa"] and really admired him. I love his sense of humor and his ability to entertain people! [That explains the "Chullie" at the end of my username]

Recently, I found more and more about Infinite and when I first saw Myungsoo, something inside of me just clicked. Call it "love at first sight" if you will :p  Something about him just screamed PERFECT to me, and sure enough, when I found out more and more about him, I saw that he was my EXACT ideal type and I have so much in common with him. I had NEVER found an idol that liked so many things that I did before, so I fell for Kim Myungsoo...big time. Not to mention his dorky personality is just too cute! How can you NOT love him?? :DDD Whatever flaws he has, I love them, too, since they're still a part of him.

Myungsoo, you are completely the most PERFECT human being in this world in my eyes and I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL TO THE CORE OF MY BEING!! SARANGHAEYO!! <3 <3 <3

And Infinite really captured me with their dances and songs, so now, INSPIRIT FOREVER!!!


So, for any of you who actually  cared enough to read through that entire random rant, THANK YOU!! <3


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AprilSunnday_ukiss #1
Hahahaha !! Love at first sight ?? With L ?? OMG !!! He's really1000000 CUTE !!!
Haha, Myungsoo is perfect! In fact, Infinite is perfect. Not that they have to be actually perfect, it's just their human flaws that make them perfect. Inspirit here as well.
I was intrigued by their name in the beginning and when I watched their performances, I was a goner.
Bonamana ftw :P and Infinite is great, but don't sforget to PROM15E TO BEL13VE .

Myungsoo is quite the man (who looks prettier than 99% of the world, Heechul being that 1% :P ) ^^
LMFAO haha your so silly XD
HAHAHA I've actually been meaning to ask you about that XD but I didn't so~~ nice explanation you got there.