Just needed to get this off my chest.

So there's this guy I like. Slowly but surely I'm getting closer to him as at least a friend. If you know me, you'd know that well, for one,

I'm not the most confident person in the world, no matter how much my God-complex shows sometimes. I'm pretty stupid sometimes,

and I'm pretty quiet. and two, I'm not the prettiest flower in the bunch. I've been noticing that one of my friends who i love to death

suddenly became friends with him and seems closer to him than i am. And I'm pretty damn intimidated. My friend is drop-dead

gorgeous, smart, and not to mention outgoing and bubbly as can be. I'm just lost and needless to say, pretty jealous. I hate it. I don't 

know what to do. I'm just so close to giving up and I'm starting to break out. And just a side note: yes, the guy I like is Korean.


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may i see a picture of you? i hope that doesn't sound creepy ahaha. you said you aren't the prettiest flower in the bunch. i wanna see if that statement is true.

but anyways! Just cuz a friend is closer to him than you are, he might not like her like that. You still have a chance and fight for him! You may not have confidence, but here's something you can do! You can start small by asking how his day was when you see him in the afternoon. just the smallest things that shows that you are interested but it's not straight forward
You're not alone, honey ._.
I'm in the exact situation, and if i gave you advice I'd be a pretty big hypocrite...
It being the less pretty, smart, and bubbly person in the relationship :| Story of my life.
But you'd be surprised, a lot of my guy friends actually prefer less 'typical' girls. They say that as long as you have a sense of humor and you don't like One Direction, you're good xD
From what I know, no guys like me.. so I guess I'm not one to say anything OTL
I know how you feel, this happens to me all the time
I don't have the best confidence in the world and to top it all off I'm very insecure about myself :(