I made two posts about this in Tumblr, regarding people being pissed off with the new 'censorship' in South Korea. The said development basically meant that companies needed to self-regulate or the gov't will categorize the contents of a material according to age-appropriateness. It's like AFF writers marking their stuff Rated M if it contains any adult material however small. I'm sure we're all aware how strict the AFF admin is with this so I'm not gonna elaborate on that. 

Anyways, I'm glad YG didn't try anything drastic to defy the said regulation. Honestly, I think that 19 sticker will only create more stir for Ji's comeback (if he hasn't done that yet with his 'One of a Kind' mv). Stuff like this isn't paticularly damaging to an artist especially those who have legit talent. Also, the entertainment industry thrives on the idea 'Good or's still publicity." Just read the comments on BBU and you'll know immediately Ji's comeback is being anticipated more than ever. 

I'll be a hypocrite if I said my interest isn't piqued with this but then like my decision to abandon tumblr, I am currently in a personal campaign to curb my 'fangirlism', so I'm gonna try to keep the spazzing level low as possible. Also I'm still hoping for 'Simple Ji' to reappear. For now let's all wait for this new MV to come out and celebrate possibly a new feat in Gdragon's career!


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I did not know about this new law...