The Black Order [Guide]

*  means optional
The Black Order Application
                                                                                               Who Will Win?
[One picture of ulzzang. Landscape]
[Preferred Name + Persona]
Careless, Careless, Shoot Anonymous, Anonymous
User Name:
Name: [What can I call you?]
Activeness: [1-7 How many days of the week]

Birth Name: [Last name] [First Name] [<< Yes, in brackets so that it's easier for me to tell if it's more than one word]

* Nickname: [Explain why and who calls you that]
Preferred Name: [What you want people to call you by]
Age: []
Birth Date: [In words. Just the month and date is fine] [Ex. January 1st]
Gender: [Male/Female]
Blood Type:

We Base Our Personalities From A World Made Of Numbers
Character Type: [A few words that describes your character best]
[Quality over Quantity. 2+ paragraphs, less than 5.] [Bold the traits so it's easier for me to portray your character better. Ex. She's very kind.] [Everyone has flaws, please include them here. Being cold to people but actually is soft-hearted is not a flaw] [Be careful and not go into what she likes in here. I've seen several people start writing about their history or likes and dislikes here. Try to stay ONLY to the personality here]

Attitude: ?/10 [10 = very optimistic, 0 = very pessimistic]
Grudge: ?/10 [Do you hold grudges easily? 10 = yes]
Patience: ?/10 [10 = very patient]
Temper: ?/10 [10 = very good temper, 0 = horrible temper]
Popularity: ?/10 [Among your other other people. 10 = very popular]

[2 - 5] [What your character likes, not what he/she likes to do] [Point form]
» [<< use these symbols for the bullets]
[2 - 5] [This can include what she/he doesn't like to do] [Point form]
» [<< use these symbols for the bullets]
Pet Peeves:
[2 - 3] [Things that annoy you easier than it does others] [Point form]
» [<< use these symbols for the bullets]
[2 - 5] [Point form]
» [<< use these symbols for the bullets]
[2 - 3] [Point form]
» [<< use these symbols for the bullets]

[1 - 5] [No need for technical terms] [Point form]
» [<< use these symbols for the bullets]
[1 - 5] [What your character is good at] [Ex. Sports, long/short distance attacks, muscles, etc. NOT things like singing or dancing etc.] [Point form]
» [<< use these symbols for the bullets]
[2+] [Things your character is bad at/against]
» [<< use these symbols for the bullets]
* "Talents":
[Weird things your character can do.] [Ex. Touch tongue with nose] [Point form]
» [<< use these symbols for the bullets]
* Trivia:
[1 - 7] [Interesting facts about your character] [Ex. Favorites, or something that interests her/him, etc.] [Point form]
» [<< use these symbols for the bullets]
Why Don't We Look Each Other In The Eyes Anymore
Ulzzang Name: [Choi Seo Hee and Park Hye Min taken, sorry] 
Ulzzang Pictures:
[5+] [HQ. Preferably not selcas. Pictures on the form 150by100]
Back Up Ulzzang Name:
Back Up Ulzzang Pictures: [3+] [HQ. Preferably not selcas. Pictures on the form 150by100]

Height: [cm]
Weight: [pounds]
Description of Appearance:
[Are you chubby? Slim? Chubby here but slim there? Long fingers? Thick ankles? Hair colour? Eye colour?] [Doesn't have to be long. Quality over quantity] [Point form]
* Additional:
[Scars? Birthmarks? Tattoos? Certain accessories you always wear?] [Briefly explain where/why you got it or why you wear it] [Point form]
Now Answer Me And Tell Me Why People Change
[Childhood/family background. Anything important before joining order.] [Bold the events. Ex. She tripped on a rock, but got back up after.][What happened in your life before you got into the order? Important events?]

Family Members:
[Format - Name || Age || Relationship to you || Rate how well you get along (1 - 10) || Brief personality. A few adjectives or something is fine || Anything else I should know? ]
Die, Kill, Fight, Shout, This  Is  It. A War
[Pretty much anything. Be creative.] [Format: Name of Weapon (Give it a name yourself, not like it's technical term or something) || What is it when activated || What it's like when not activated || Are you good at using it? Rate from 1 - 10, 10 = best] || What type is it? Equipment? || Anything else you want me to know?]
Back - Up Innocence:
[Same as above]
[What can you do with your Innocence? Any special attacks? Just something special?]

Using it: [Do you use it a lot/activate it a lot? Rate it from 1 - 10 please. 10 = a lot]

Intelligence: ?/10 [How smart?]
Strength: ?/10 [How strong are you physically?]
Speed: ?/10 [How fast are you getting around places?]
Stealth: ?/10 [How well can you sneak around without being noticed?]
Endurance: ?/10 [How good of an endurance do you have? Ex. running for a long time etc.]
Resolve: ?/10 [How well do you stick with your plan? I guess it's like stubbornness to finish?]
Intuition: ?/10 [How accurate are your gut feelings?]
Reflexes: ?/10 [How fast are you reflexes?]
Observation: ?/10 [How good are you at picking up little details?]
Perception: ?/10
Bravery: ?/10 [How brave you are]
Agility: ?/10 [How easily you move arou
Team Work: ?/10 [How well you work in a group]
Following Orders: ?/10 [Do you stick to orders or wander off by yourself/do things your way?]
Gathering Information: ?/10 [Are you good at this?]
Persuasion: ?/10 [How good are you at persuading people?]
Trust: ?/10 [Do you trust people easily?]

* Additional Details:
[Something else you want to mention about your weapon/etc?]
At Some Point We Became Trapped  In A Smart Prison
Original Branch: [Choose one from the list] [This is the branch you stayed longest at before being transferred to the European one][You can also put European]
Training Time: [How long were you in the Order for? Starting at what age? Should be at least 5 years.]
[How did you get in the Order? You came yourself or someone else asked you to join? Forced you? Explain why. Doesn't have to be long.]
Order Life:
[How were your days at Order? As a child and now?]
Mentor: [A General] [Name || how well you got along. 0-10 10=best]
[Do you get in trouble often? Do you use your powers often? Do you fight often? Basically how you act at the Order]
[How you want your uniform to look like. Ex. short/long skirt/pants, long/short sleeve, etc. Suite your Innocence(weapon)]
I f Only We Can Make New Relationships
The One: [The Noah you chose]
Relationship: [The type you want to END with. Just friendship or enemies or something else?]

* Additional Details: [I don't want the form to be way too long, so if there's something else you want to add about him, put it here.]
* Scene Request: [No /torture/y scenes or anything like that.]
Full Of Envy Behind That Anonymous Mask
Persona: [What normal citizens think of you]
Position in Group: [What are you in your group of friends? Ex. mom, dad, sister, baby, etc.]
The Second One: [Back up Noah]
Relationship: [The type you want to END with. Just friendship or enemies or something else?]
Position: [Offensive or defensive during battle]
Rating: [How strong is your character in battle? Offensively. Rate 1 - 10, 10 = best]
* War Cry / Motto
Turn Back
Comment: [Are you sure you have no comment?]
* Suggestion:
Ending: [What type? Tragic? For you or for story in general? Happy ending?]
Sacrifice: [Are you willing to sacrifice your character? It's going to be near/at the end though, so don't worry. I completely understand if you don't want to. : ) Don't feel pressured to say yes at all.]
Sorry For The Long App!
Please Leave The Link To Your App In
The Comments Section OfThe Blog Post You Got It From

Thanks You For Applying!



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