RLB | Application


Royal Lemon Auditions

Member Application

Full name: Jung Yun Seop 정윤섭  (born Song Il Yun 송일윤)
Age: 20
Birthdate: 29th February 1992
Hometown: Busan, South Korea (currently residing in Seoul, South Korea)
Ethnicity: Full Korean
Languages: Korean (fluent), English (basic), Sign Language (fluent)
Height: 177cm
Weight: 50kg
Blood Type: A
:Biological Parents:
[Father] Song Jin Hwa | Deceased | Drug Addict / Alcoholic | Died at the age of 32 out of overdose of drugs. He was a troublemaker and a careless father. All he cared about was money and drugs.
[Mother] Song Il Roo | 42 | Ex-drug Addict / Waitress | Used to be a very careless mother to her children since she was so young when she gave birth to them. After the death of her ‘beloved’ husband, she stopped with drugs and dedicated herself to reuniting with her children.
:Foster Parents:
[Foster Father] Jung Jong Hyun | 57 | Police Officer | Strict, old-fashioned man, not someone you want to mess with but is kind to his family and very reliable.
[Foster Mother] Jung Gyo Hyeon | 49 | Teacher | Lovely, caring, talkative woman everyone would love to have as a mother. She would support her children no matter what as long as they're happy.
[Biological Sisters Twins – both adopted in a different family]
Kim Yun Ah [born Song Yun Sye] | 26 – older twin | Architect | Very protective and definitively someone you don’t want to mess with. She can be whiny and y at times but is a loyal and trustworthy friend/sibling. She is also fun to be around and very outgoing.
Kim Yun Ae [born Song Yun Hye | 26 – younger twin | Professional Dancer | Even though she’s mute, she’s a very reliable, smart and devoted person. She can make anyone smile without saying any word, ironically. She’s very sweet and is always there when you need her.
[Adoptive Brother]
Jung Yun Ho | 24 | Idol (TVXQ) | Used to be very cold and arrogant towards Yun Seop when they first met but after years they grew closer. Yun Ho is very modest and well-rounded guy. Caring and protective, always looks after his dongsaengs. He’s very polite, loyal and devoted to everything he loves. Can be humorous and fun when he loses it.
+ Dancing
+ Listening to music
+ Motorbikes
+ Skating
+ Sports
+ Dominance
+ Stars
+ Butterflies
+ Cupcakes
+ Energy Drinks
- People touching his things
- Crying in public
- Arguing
- Hearing about his real parents
- Deep Waters
- Chocolate
- Failiure/Mistakes
- Alcohol/Drugs
> Dancing
> Motorbike Riding
> Skating
> Kick-boxing
> Gymnastics
> Stargazing
> Speaks with slight Busan accent
> Smokes; but keeps it a secret
> Chews his lips when nervous, angry or trying to hold in his emotions - sometimes to the point it bleeds
> Sleep talks (when he sleeps)
> When he can't sleep, he stargazes, takes long rides on his motorbike or takes his time to practice dancing
> Whenever he listens to music, some part of his body moves (hand, foot, head etc)
> Yun Seop prefers not to talk about his family situation so mot much people know he's adopted; he also prefers being called Yun Seop over Il Yun
> Yun Seop learned Sign Language because his older sister Yun Ae is mute
> Ofter forgets things - has a very short-termed memory
> He can't swim
> Suffers from insomnia [lack of sleep] from time to time
> He's kind of a tattoo adict - he already has 4 tattoos but is hoping for a few more, not too many though
> Yun Seop has a scar behind his right ear from a cigarette burn - his father did it to him when the 3-year-old Il Yun accidentally dropped the glass
> Has a pet dog - Alaskan Malamute named Shou
> Owns a Yamaha Motorbike
> Yun Seop specialised in street and break dance but his specialty move is Michael Jackson's Moonwalk; he also likes to combine his gymnastics and kick-boxing skills into the dance routines
> Can play guitar very well and a bit of saxophone
Yun Seop is a very mysterious and quiet guy. He may seem like a troublemaker and a boy with great ego and attitude but in fact, Yun Seop hates fighting and would avoid any kind of conflict at any cost. He just holds that cold and disinterested façade because, truth be told, he’s an insecure young boy in his heart. He doesn’t give away his trust easily and takes his time opening up to others because he’s afraid of being played and hurt by those he loves or cares about. Therefore, he acts hard to get and is sometimes rather arrogant, concentrating himself on minding his own business as he doesn’t like much attention on him.
However, when someone manages to see through his façade, they discover a loyal and trustworthy friend who is always there when you need him. He’s very mature, even though he has es for cute things like stars or butterflies, but knows how to have fun when he feels like it. Yun Seop is very honest, with a rather sharp tongue and is not afraid to tell the truth into the person’s face. He only says it for the best, as he hates people ing or picking on him or his friends. He is very devoted and passionate about what he does and loves. Yun Seop is the kind of person who believes that he can always do better than he’s already doing. Therefore, he often goes hard on himself, often putting others’ wellbeing before his own.
He cares deeply for those who are important to him and it usually surprises people how protective he can be over someone. Unfortunately, Yun Seop doesn’t really know how to show his affection and people often underestimate him for number of reasons. It may not seem like it at times, but Yun Seop is very smart, he just doesn’t like to show off in front of others with how much he knows about stuff. However, Yun Seop has a very bad memory, making him forget simplest things like someone’s birthday or anniversary. Luckily, when he knows that he’s wrong, Yun Seop will admit it and apologize if he thinks he has to.
Yun Seop has a giant immunity against aegyo and whenever someone uses it on him, it is almost as if doing it towards a brick wall. He is very patient and doesn’t lose his temper easily but when something really angers him, he can become a hell of a . If anyone messes with his friends or family, he would fight for their sake even if it means putting them before his own self. However, even though he’s emotionally strong and is hard to hurt him, Yun Seop has his weak moments from time to time and he prefers keeping it to himself until it cracks him from the inside. When that happens, he would prefer having someone by his side when he feels like puring his emotions out.
Jung Yun Seop was born as Song Il Yun as the youngest child in a very young family. His parents were both teenagers when they had Il Yun's sisters, his mother being 16 and father 18. Il Yun and his sisters never had it easy in their life. Their parents, unfortunately, were both alcoholics and drug addicts, never really taking care of their children properly. All they cared about was getting money and then spending it on their own pleasure. Their kids grew up in poverty and inhuman conditions when it came to their home and were often bullied for their family background. The kids were also harassed at home by their own parents, physically, verbally, luckily never ually.
Few days after Il Yun turned 4, him and his sisters were taken away from their parents and taken to the orphanage. Because he was so young when separated from his parents, Il Yun doesn’t remember them well but from what he heard from his sisters and his caretakers, they weren’t good people, as stated. Il Yun lived in the orphanage with his sisters until he was 8, when his sisters were adopted. From there he lived there alone, never having friends, never quite fitting in, until he was finally adopted at the age of 10. A kind and nice Jung family from Seoul adopted him because their only son was feeling lonely and they couldn’t have any more kids.
Song Il Yun then became Jung Yun Seop and he totally forgot about his life before orphanage as he moved from Busan to Seoul. However, even though he was adopted in a nice family, he didn’t feel like he was fitting in. His older ‘brother’ YunHo was very cold towards him even though his parents encouraged them to be friends. Nevertheless, from there, Yun Seop had a relatively normal childhood. He didn’t make many friends but he managed to settle well in the school since he never went to one because he was schooled in the orphanage. However, he still kept it a secret that he was adopted. Through the years, he managed to get in contact with his sisters again, he grew closer with YunHo and is thankful to Jung family for taking him in even though he doesn’t show his gratitude in a proper way.
Stage name: Keanu (means 'breeze' ; 'his dance moves are as smooth and fresh as the summer breeze' his brother quoted)
Position: Main Dancer ; Back Up: Lead Dancer
Years trained: 2 years
Trainee life
Before he became a trainee at RL Entertainment, Yun Seop, who discovered his passion for dancing when he first saw his brother dance, was an underground dancer. He was well known around Seoul for his creative choreographies and incredible moves. On one of his competitions he was scouted and after audition was accepted as a trainee. Training was very hard and tyring for him as he tried to balance school, dance competitions and training. He kept for himself and only focused on trying his best. Nevertheless, he actually found training enjoyable and he hoped that all his hard work will pay out someday. 
Soprano/Alto: Middle (but tends a bit towards higher voice)
Ulzzang: Guk Jang Mun
Links| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Piercings: His left earlobe is double pierced, his right earlobe only once and his right cartilage is pierced as well
Tattoos: 4 tattoos
2) ‘Sweet Hell; an Infinite Hallucination’ under his collarbone
3) SIY & JYS on the back of his neck (his initials from birth – Song Il Yun – and after adoption – Jung Yun Seop) – looks something like this but instead of numbers there are letters
4) ‘I may forget how to breathe, but I’ll never forget how to love’ on his left forearm
Love interest: Choi Minho [SHINee] ; Back Up: Group mate
Preference: T.O.P. ;P
sceneOmg!!! >.<  Do you have to ask?! ;P OF COURSE YEAH!! Bring it on! <3



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