Hey guys I'm sorry, read below please^^...

Lol well, I havent been on asianfanfics in a while, because school has stared.. It actually started last monday (August 20th) -_-.. It's really fun.. I made new friends. Haha. My teachers are awesome. You probobly don't care LOL! okay, anyways my mom is very strict about using my electronics during school weeks so I really am not able to go on AFF, everyday 24/7 like I used to.:(.. but I'll be posting a new fanfic soon.. I hope you all like it!! This time its actually going to be serious! Not stupid a retarded like the ones I've made in the past, just for laughs.. This is going to be serious, and very very long lots of chapters.. It's gonna be intersting.. I'll tell you when I post it though! And I hope people like it! It's actually a role play I did.. And am still doing. Till this day with a friend. :). We decided dicided since it's such a awesome role play to make it to a fanfic! The role play isn't even done yet! But I can still post it! And update every couple days. Lol I should go now! Bye bye.


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