Living with Idols (SHINee) Application

Who are you?

Name: Kim Hye Jung/Lucy Kim

Age:International: 21, Korean: 22

D.O.B: March 26th, 1991

Hometown: Seoul, Korea

Birthplace: San Diego, California

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Blood Type: AB

Languages: Fluent- Korean, English

All About You

Personality: Hye Jung is a girl who likes to take charge. She never listens, is very stubborn, and thinks of herself as a born leader. She is the oldest out of her friends, and she is the most leader-like and the most mature. Since Hye Jung is very smart, it gets to her head and she acts like the smartest girl in the world. She never takes orders and hates it when she loses. She always thinks she's right. Hye Jung is also very competetive.

Style: Is very simple, a bit tomboyish. Her typical outfit is a tshirt with denim jeans or shorts. As for shoes, wears sneakers, usually high-tops. Barely wears any accesories and eiter wears her hair in a ponytil or a bun.


-track and field


-any kind of art, mostly origami



-truth or dare

-being right/winning


-being proved wrong/losing

-waking up early



-cracking knuckles when mad or irritated


-there isn't one food that she doesn't like (except seafood since she's deathly allergic to it)


-can't swim

Okay, Important Stuff:

Did You Apply?: yeah

Are You Excited?:

  • Yes!!
  • NO!!!
  • It's not like I'm not exicted, It's just..

Fangirl Meter: 2%

I Don't Care Meter: 98%

Romance(Ya Know.. the good stuff)

Who are you paired up with:

  • Jonghyun
  • Key
  • Taemin
  • Onew
  • Minho

Couple Name: Hyenew

Are you happy with this Pairing?:

  • YES!!!!
  • No!!
  • I Don't Care

How does SHINee Find You?

-Faster than the speed of light

-Have to pick up more origami paper

-Out to lunch ;)

-Not the customer, but the chef

(I'l eplain each of these if chosen and if needed)




(Ulzzang Kang Hye Yeon)




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