Fallen Stars ★ Application~



Applicant Information


Username: dino-nerd525


Profile link: CLICK ME!


Activity: 8.5/10

Basic Character Information

Name of the Star chosen: Auriga
Constellation the Star is from: Taurus
Name: Jung Miyoung

Birth date: May 18th

Age: 19


Ulzzang name:  Kang Hye Yeon

Ulzzang links: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Height & Weight: 164 cm; 49 kg
Clothing Style: Auriga, or Miyoung, likes to wear many dresses and skirts, but very casual ones. She wears accessories at times, but feels that it can be
bothersome and doesn't bother to anymore. For shoes, is usually boots or flats.| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Back up ulzzang: Kang Su Ra

Back up ulzzang links: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Height & weight: 164 cm; 49 kg
Clothing Style: same as above


What Is _____ Like?

Background: Before, Miyoung was quite the trickster to use her powers all the time and play pranks all the time. She was a fun-loving, outgoing person who was a bit reckless and careless at times, though she always meant well. This all changed when her carelessness endangered someone she loves a lot. Miyoung's "family" are her past neighbors. She really cares for them a lot, and of course would never mean to do anything to hurt them, except this one day, her "mother" and her were out doing some shopping, and of course, Miyoung was at it at her powers again, using them whenever she felt like it. However, she hadn't meant it to go that far. Miyoung was speeding across the streets, not even caring if she would get hurt, until her foot snagged onto a pothole in the middle of the road. She tried so hard to get out of it, but it was no use. Her mother had to step in and help, and once she got it loose, Miyoung ran to the side for safety, forgetting al about her savior. The car hit her. She was in a coma for days, and luckily, Miyoung's mother survived, but it also made Miyoung never use her powers unless it was needed.

Personality: Miyoung is a very responsible, mature girl. She is obedient and does whatever she is told to. She is always the one to be counted on, even though she usually isn't the oldest, she is just that trustworthy. She prefers to stay away from trouble and/or trouble makers. Miyoung won't talk unless needed to or asked to, or else she'll just keep to herself, out of anyone else's way. Miyoung is much like a mother in many ways. She is very organized and such, making her the perfect chef and maid, and she is also quite understanding. Although she doesn't talk much, she's a fabulous listener and is there to give you help and advice if you need it. Miyoung also is super intelligent and clever. Even though she's quiet and seems cold on the outside, she is always there for you and looking out for you, whether she likes you or not. She gives off the leader feel, yet she stays out of everyone's way and does what she's told to do. Miyoung is also very protective of the people she cares about. If she sees one of them being hurt or messed with, her quiet exterior will break and she will go crazy on you. She doesn't get scared or intimidated easily and is courageous. However, Miyoung has a lot of trouble expressing herself. If you take her to a crowded place, she'll just stick by you the whole time. She just can't have fun, and as much as you tell her this, she still won't even try. Maybe it's because she's very insecure about the way she acts around others, or maybe it;s the fact that she stresses a lot and just isn't used to things like that. You never really know with her since her facial expressions don't help, either.


  • eating
  • bubble tea
  • athletics
  • the sound of water running
  • reading
  • quiet places
  • being alone
  • spring time
  • children
  • animals
  • listening to music (ballads especially)


  • loud noises
  • parties
  • having to use her power
  • gag shows
  • thunder storms
  • dull colors
  • rock and roll music
  • show-offs
  • horror movies
  • messes/messy areas

Favorite things to do on Earth:

  • eat the food (especially bubble tea)
  • go for jogs
  • shopping
  • going to the beach
  • karaoke


  • unknowingly cleans up messes when sees one
  • cracks knuckles when mad/irritated
  • standing up for someone when she sees they're vulnerable/weak
  • sings in shower
  • blinks rapidly when about to cry

Random Trivia

  • actually has a really nice singing voice
  • is so fast she can run on water
  • has a fear of potholes (ever since incident) and heights
  • thinks of humans as trouble and doesn't want to get near them
  • anti-social
  • has a soft spot for weak/vulnerable people, animals, and children
  • wears glasses but prefers contacts
  • loves all foods


Special power: Super speed
Any skills?:

  • running
  • singing
  • climbing
  • intelligence
  • jumping


Family: (not sure if you want me to use Korean names or not, so I'll use them and I can fix them if you don't want them.)

Mother- Lee Jaemin

Father- Lee Chongho

Sister- Lee Jihyo

Friend(s): Spica- Virgo, Lux- Gemini, Denebola- Leo

Love interest (Please bold): | Suho | Baekhyun | Chanyeol | D.O. | Kai | Sehun | Kris | Xiumin | Luhan | Lay | Chen | Tao |
Birthdate: May 2nd, 1993
Age: 19
His Personality: Tao is someone who at first sight, seems like he's is super cold and distant. The fact that he knows really good wushu doesn't help the though, either. However, he's just a guy who really loves having fun. He is calm and chilled. His favorite activities are even walking on beaches and going shopping! Alhtough he is very tough and is extremely capable of beating the fudge out of someone, he claims that he really doesn't like to fight and is actually kind of sensitive. He is known as the crybaby to some people, but he really doesn't like showing that side of him and tries to keep it on the down low, but can't help it sometimes when he needs to shed a tear. Tao is also extremely cute and has affective aegyo that nobody can resist. Again, though, he doesn't like showing that side of him and would rather keep up on his more funny, entertaining side. It is true, he is very humorous and knows how to lift someone's spirits.
Why does ____ like him?: Miyoung, at first, doesn't want to get near him since she thinks that all humans are nothing but trouble makers, but the reason why he's a trouble maker really makes her more attracted to him. She likes how he is something that she isn't. Someone who can have fun, laugh, and just let loose. She kind of envied him for his fun personality. She also likes how he isn't afraid to show the sensitive, cute part of him. He also reminds her of how she used to be. Fun and reckless. It made her kind of miss those times. The times when she used to be crazy and wild. He reminded her a lot of... herself. She liked the feeling when she was with him. It was like all her troubles vanished.

Back up love interest (Please bold): | Suho | Baekhyun | Chanyeol | D.O. | Kai | Sehun | Kris | Xiumin | Luhan | Lay | Chen | Tao |

Birthdate: September 21st, 1992

Age: 19

His Personality: Chen is quite a shy boy at first, but when you really get to know him, he is crazy and wild. He does whatever he likes and doesn't care what others think of him,

as long as he's having fun is all that matters. Chen is also very playful, funny, and is always having fun. You can always see him smiling. Although he seems like one who is all

play, no work. he is very driven and determined to live out his dreams.

Why does ____ like him?: (Can it be the same? If not, then I'l make up one now) Miyoung first doesn't like him (of course). However, every time she's with him, she can't help

but smile since he really has that affect on her. She got weirded out since she usually isn't like this, until she realized it was Chen doing all of it. The way he acted, the way he

talked to her, it made her have a good time and... have fun. Miyoung never experienced fun before. That is, not in a long while, but she really liked the feeling. The more and

more she got to know him, the more and more she started opening up.



Would you like to be a co-author? (Please bold): | Yes | No |

If you selected 'yes, please link a sample of your writing:

Any I forgot, that you'd like to add?: Nope~

Why should I choose you?: Because I worked very hard on this application, and really love the plot of this story. Even though the aplication isn't perfect, I still think it's pretty unique :D also because I would also help you in whatever you'd need. I'll work very hard! *bows*

Comments and/or questions?: Thanks so much for viewing! Good luck with the story, and if you need me to fix anything, feel free to ask!!! xD

Password: Taurus- Auriga


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