S6 | Yan YueLing | Sector Six


Application for [Sector 6]


 ⁞‖⁞ sapiunt

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your name Erin or Rin
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⁞‖⁞ caeli

full name Yan YueLing
nickname(s) Yue, Lobster, Mia (means Lost Child)
16 years old
date of birth 05/04
height 168 cm
weight 54 kg
ethnicity Chinese
place of birth
Jinhae, South Korea
languages spoken Mandarin(fluent), Korean (fluent), English (basics to conversational)


⁞‖⁞ glaciem

name of ulzzang Huang Yi Lin
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
name of back-up ulzzang YiYi
photographs [x] [x] [x] [x]
personal style YueLing likes to wear clothing that look like they jumped right out of a anime. She also loves 'cool' looking clothing that look like they might be made for males. However, she usually doesn't like really flowery patterned clothing and so she sticks with solid colours. YueLing really loves the extra little accessories such as belts, chains, buckles, pins, and buttons. The clothing she wears usually has either a collar, hood or big neckline (she doesn't like to feel that she's being choked/restrained). If she can't get her hands on fancy, anime like clothing, she'll stick with really plain, baggy clothing. Also, she likes to wear long sleeves. If she can, she likes ones with a cute or pretty pattern on them. She likes the two extremes. YueLing likes to wear either jeans or sweat pants. Usually she doesn't like skinny jeans, and she'll only wear dark or light coloured jeans, nothing in the middle. 
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]


⁞‖⁞ terra

the sector  Mind (Sixth)

Although she's a teenager, YueLing is a very innocent and pure girl. She doesn't understand sick minded jokes no matter how hard the clues are shoved in her face, and she prefers not to learn. YueLing is so naive to the point that she doesn't believe people in the world would do 'bad' things on purpose. She thinks that they were either forced to by situations or by people, not because they're corrupt or evil. She believes that they deserve a second chance and that one day, they'll realize that what they have done is bad and they'll finally turn down the right path. She's also a gullible girl, as she'll believe almost anything you says, unless it's something really, really obvious.  YueLing is very childish, and so she loves to pull pranks. Although she doesn't actually like to get into trouble, her playful nature makes her a troublemaker as she loves to fool around. YueLing is startled easily and she does not react well to change. She is observant and will notice the tiniest changes and even moving to a new city will make her freak out. She's a person who treasures the past and her experiences, so she feels that change will make her forget and she hates that. Since she forms attachments very easily (even with things like a stuffed animal if she's had it for more than half a year),  it's very hard for her not to get depressed over change.

Being a young girl, YueLing is often surprised at what life has planned out for her. She'll try to picture scenarios in her head, but they're often wrong as something completely different always happens. Yueling is quite sensitive. However, she doesn't usually get hurt though, since she's so naive and thinks that they didn't actually mean it. YueLing believes in people easily, putting her heart on the line all the time. Usually she's not one to hide her feelings and will easily show them like tearing up or start to complain about something. But she does it carefully, and makes sure not to point fingers when she's having one of her blabbing moments. Also, she shows her affection for others easily, such as hugging people often and telling them that she appreciates them. However, she is a little shy at first, but will warm up very fast when she realizes that the person is a kind one.

YueLing is also a very curious person, and she daydreams often. She's very adventurous and wants to know what life has to offer for her. Her curiosity is so strong that people often say the saying "curiosity killed the cat" was made just for her. Sometimes it comes off to people as a daredevil, but she's not one. She's just extremely curious and would do anything to find out. YueLing is a very dreamy person and she tends to fantasize a lot while blanking out and going into a world of her own. A result of always daydreaming is creativity. She has the most bizarre ideas at random times and she seems quite proud of them. She'll have the weirdest thoughts and questions, and the one she asks most often to herself is "Why was I born?"

Despite all the odd traits about her, YueLing is actually a very kind girl underneath. She'll make sure not to purposely hurt the feelings of others, but there are times when she speaks before thinking. She's a very thoughtful girl and she's always thinking about her friends and has them on her mind. Whenever YueLing does something, she always has the others around her in mind, such as where she puts her cart in a shopping mall not to block the way of anybody else. Why is she like that? YueLing likes to be a good girl and receive praise and encouragement, just like a little kid. That shows again, her childish nature and way of thinking. Also, YueLing is a real cutie and sweetheart. She'll always try to cheer people up by either making jokes or doing cute things such as expressions. She loves to make others smile, whether it be with aegyo or some other way, and she won't stop until they do.

However, like all humans, YueLing also has a 'bad' side to her. First thing is that she gets irritated easily. Things such as repeating herself really ticks her off. Another things about her is that she doesn't forgive people until they apologize, and she'll openly show that she's mad. However, she's very forgiving, and as soon as you apologize, she'll let it go... mostly. YueLing has the 'an-eye-for-an-eye' attitude, and will treat you how you treat her. Therefore, it's best to stay only on her good side. YueLing is also very possessive and protective, sometimes to the point where she won't like it if other people appraoch her best friends because she's afraid that they'll 'steal her friends away'. She hates it when people look through her stuff without asking, and she also hates it when people take all the credit without giving any to the other participants. YueLing is a very prideful person, and refuses to do anything that might even take a chip out of it, such as begging. Despite her cheerful personality, she's actually a pessimistic person and looks at the glass as half empty rather than half full.

x(Cherry Blossoms) x(Winter) x(Stars) x(Moon) x(Big, fluffy clouds) x(Night Time) x(Anime and Manga) x(Fantasy books/movies) x(Animals) x(Tragic stories) x(Open areas) x(Music) x(Fluffy things like pompoms) x(Pillows) x(Bubble tea) x(Heights/seeing things from a higher perspective)

x(Lots of noise) x(Children) x(Romance dramas because she finds them awkward to watch) x(Heat) x(Tears) x(Her privacy being invaded) x(Volleyball) x(Basketball) x(Nail polish) x(Chocolate) x(Tight clothing)
x(Painting scenery) x(Drawing anime) x(Climbing things like trees or buildings) x(Photography) x(Doing stylist work like hair and make up on other people) x(Reading) x(Daydreaming) x(Making others smile) x(Taking care of stray animals) x(Going out for walks at night, especially during the winter time) x(Going somewhere high up)

x(When she eats something, she'll rip it into smaller pieces that will fit in ) x(Bites and chews her bottom lip when she's thinking or troubled) x(Will rub thumb against ring finger when she's nervous) x(Links her arm with the person next to her) x(Plays with her hair a lot)

unusual trait
She's actually a very deep person, and she appreciates good pieces of work (ex. song, lyrics, poem, story) and she'll find the 'hidden meaning' inside.
x(She's afraid of small spaces and clowns) x(She has a really, really strong death grip and that's why she was nicknamed Lobster), x(She has very strong legs) x(She tends to like the extremes) x(She's really good at calming people down) x(Animals seem to really like her, and they appraoch her of their own free will) x(As a kid, she was always the kid feeding strays on the streets) x(She often wonders what purpose she was born for)

YueLing comes from a place where there are many cherry blossom trees. They're pretty much everywhere you go, and there are some places that are famous because of the beautiful flowers. As a child, YueLing would often to go Kyeong-wa Station, the place known for it's movie worthy scenery. YueLing, as a curious kid, would often stand near the tracks, looking into the distance, by herself. She doesn't even live near the station, and she would often have to walk a long, long time to get there. The people who walk past there would often see her, and since they don't know who she but she's almost always there during the cherry blossom season, people eventually came to nickname her Mia (the lost child). Another reason for that is because many would approach her and ask her if she was lost, but she wouldn't speak (because she's been instructed not to talk to strangers by her parents). Some even tried to call the police for her, but before the guard arrive, YueLing would run away. However, she would always return to watch the train come in through the falling cherry blossoms. She loved the scene and she never gets sick of it, even if she has to walk for almost fourty-five minutes to get there.

Though YueLing wasn't a drop out, she wasn't a genius either. Her grade average was around 86-92%, and the only subject she excelled at was art. Being a creative child, she was also very artistic. At school, she was one of those background students that nobody really looked at twice. She does have several friends and few close ones, but she was never the popular one. She didn't mind, as she prefers to just drift along in the background and not cause any trouble. YueLing tries to hide her mischievous side at school in fear of getting in trouble, so her teachers didn't dislike her, but didn't like her either. She was neutral with most people. Nothing really happened in school for her except for that one time where she fell out the window trying to help get a cat off a tree. She was reaching out the window for the cat, and she did reach it and manage to get it into the room, but her footing slipped and she fell out the second floor building. She ended up with a broken leg and several scratches, but nothing else major.

Outside of school, YueLing works at a maid cafe not too far from her house. She's always been obsessed with anime and that's the reason why she tried really hard to get into the cafe. YueLing was rejected about five times before they finally accepted her. They weren't disappointed, as they realized that her bright and cute personality was dragging in customers. YueLing and the other workers there get along very well, and she loves her job. She works every Wednesday and Thursday.

Asides from school and work, YueLing's family life was pretty average. Her parents were rather neutral with her as well, and didn't treat her badly nor did they treat her well. Sometimes YueLing feels like she just rented her room from a stranger instead of living with her parents. They didn't really pay attention to her, and she was often left alone when they went to work. The relationship in the family is quite distant, and they don't really interact. Every member just carries on with their own business and doesn't mind others. YueLing has gotten used to it so she doesn't mind anymore, but sometimes she feels sad that she doesn't have anyone supporting her. Her parents feel almost like strangers to her, and she doesn't think they even know her favourite colour. That's the reason why they hardly even noticed when YueLing would go out for hours to watch the cherry blossoms. Even now, her parents don't really care for her. She's kind of... just there. 

In the future, YueLing wants to be able to bring at least one person happiness and change their life for the better. Also, if possible, she would like to stop all violence in the world and make it a better place (her naivety again...).


⁞‖⁞ fulgur


× Father | Yan JiaGuo | 45 | Alive | Distant, distracted, good temper, puts friends before family, kind, has good temper | They don't interact much, and they're very distant. Almost like strangers. [x]
× Mother | Yan LienXin | 42 | Alive | Short-tempered, distant, quiet, introverted, doesn't talk much, can have a good sense of humour, doesn't interact much with others. | They're very distant and hard talk or interact with each other. Usually it's just a 'hello' and that's the end. [x]
× Siblings None
× Other Family None

× Best Friend | Kim TaeYeon | 23 | Kind, thoughtful, big-sister like, protective, good sense of humour, can be goofy and fool around, very nice to everyone, smiley and dreamy. | The two are really close and they love to be around each other. They fool around a lot, and when they do pranks, they plan it out with each other. Despite the age difference, they get along very well. Pretty much like sisters.  They met when TaeYeon approached YueLing at the Kyeong-Wa Station. TaeYeon was the first child to approach her, and since she was a kid as well, YueLing thought there was no harm in talking with her. The two met up a lot after that since they got along well. They enjoy daydreaming together and telling each other stories.

other friends

       × | Lee Taemin | 19 | Funny, childish at times, fun, usually calm, unintentionally cute, smiley, easy going, kind, considerate and dreamy. | Taemin and YueLing get along very well. They enjoy being with each other and telling each other jokes or stories. They also like to go on 'adventures' together. They often get in trouble when they're together because they go into prohibited areas or they pulled a prank on someone. They met when YueLing was staring at a 'do not enter' sign near a forest. She was really curious and she really wanted to go in to see what's inside. That's when Taemin came up to her and offered to take her on a tour inside. Gladly, she accepted and they went in together. When it turned out to be dangerous because of holey ground, YueLing requested that they go back out. They often get together to explore after that.

the girl your character becomes the closest to
Fifth Sector (Natural Gift) because YueLing tends to stick to those with a motherly instinct as she's so childish. She tends to depend on the kind, motherly type a lot.


⁞‖⁞ ignis

♦the side of good

love interest » Sehun | 18
Sehun is a rather calm, collected and level headed boy. He doesn't raise his voice nor does he get mad easily. He's more of the background type of person that likes to blend in with his surroundings than to stick out. Sehun is the peacekeeper most of the time and seeks the middle path to offend the least people. Usually he's an easy going person that doesn't get offended easily, and he doesn't hold grudges. Sehun is very shy though, and he gets embarrassed easily and blushes a lot. Even around his close friends, he's like that. Around strangers, he's even more shy and rarely even talks around them. He's a kind boy that is always thoughtful and considerate. He likes to make others smile and he's a good listener. However, he has low self confidence and always doubts himself. He doesn't give up easily, but he is easily discouraged. Sometimes he can be cold to people when he's mad and doesn't want to talk. Sehun is also a dreamy one, and tends to go off into his own world and get distracted easily.
your relationship
Sehun is on his extremely shy mode when he's with YueLing, since they aren't exactly close friends yet after just meeting. Their relationship is rather neutral after meeting since they're both often off into their own world. However, when Sehun is really quiet, YueLing thinks he's mad and she tries to cheer him up with jokes or cute expressions/actions. He gets really shy and embarrassed when she does that, so he often turns bright red. That kind of built an even bigger wall between them as Sehun doesn't like to feel embarrassed. However, as time passes and YueLing is told that he's just the quiet type, she stopped doing her aegyo and they eventually began to grow closer. After the wall was kicked down, they got along very well. They often share stories together and fantasize and daydream together. They really like being with each other because of that. 
back-up for this love interest » JongIn | 18


♦the side of evil

love interest » Luhan | 22
Luhan is quite the cold one. He doesn't talk, and he rarely shows emotion. It's not because he's shy. It's just how he is. Isolated, mysterious, cold and gives off the uninviting aura. Most people tend to stay away from him because he's so unsociable and cold towards others. He never shares what's on his mind and he rubs off on people as rude at times because of that. Luhan doesn't like to talk, and that can come off as mean or rude as well. Luhan gives off the icy vibe and that tends to warn people to stay away as well. However, he's actually quite a softy inside and just hides it because he doesn't want to be made fun of. He grew up with the impression that men should be cold and stern so that they wouldn't be seen as weaklings. That's how he developed his stone mask. 
your relationship
To say that they didn't get along when they first met would be an understatement. They basically hated each other. YueLing hates his cold and mean attitude, and Luhan disliked her naive, dreamy personality. They two really disliked being next to each other. However, as they got to know each other and YueLing saw his soft side leak out from time to time, she began to like him more. When Luhan saw that YueLing is a very kind and person with a deep side, he began to give her a second though. After they got over their bad first impression of each other, they got along very well and Luhan came to enjoy the stories YueLing would tell from time to time.  
back-up for this love interest » WuFan | 22

do you have a preference as to which your character ends up with?
Not really... But I think it would be more interesting to see her end up with the bad side. If most people choose to end up with the bad guy, then I don't mind if YueLing ends up with the good guy (and vice versa). : )


⁞‖⁞ rixa

rival None. (YueLing is too naive and innocent to have a rival)



⁞‖⁞ aurae

comments&questions This is a really awesome idea! :D I was actually really mad when I saw that somebody plagiarized it. >: \ But I think you should take it as a compliment, since your idea must be really, really, really great for them to dare do that. I'm glad they deleted it though. Good luck with the story!
any particular scenes in mind that you'd like to request?
Maybe of YueLing telling a short fairy tale story to her 'partner'? Or of her times of being called Mia? I don't know... From the fact that you came up with this idea, I know you'll be really good with writing scenes (way better than me). ^___^ I'll leave it to you.
password Angel/Into Your World. : )


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