Falling For you Slowly Application


Username: dino-nerd525

Activeness: 8.5


Full Name: Shin YooMi, Vietnamese name: Ha Mi Trinh

Nickname(s)*: None

Date of Birth: 19

Birthstone: Diamond

Pendant: Diamond

Star Sign: Taurus

Ethnicity: Vietnamese-Korean

Height & Weight: 164 cm, 49 kg

Blood Type: AB

Birthplace: Ha Noi, Vietnam

Hometown: Ha Noi, Vietnam; now lives in Seoul, Korea

Languages: Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, English (she went to international school)

Background: YooMi was very rich and wealthy as a child. She was enrolled to an international school that her parents sponser. She was born and raised in Ha Noi, Vietnam, but moved to Seoul, Korea, when she was around 16 years old.

Personality: YooMi is a very careless and reckless girl. She does whatever she feels like, and doesn't care what others think of her. She is a big trouble maker and is very sarcastic when it comes to people. She also is very cold to others. She likes to prank, but she doesn't even laugh along once it's done. She does it for revenge. And when we talk about revenge and pranks, they're pretty humilitaing and brutal. She is like a lone wolf and works by herself. YooMi is independent and never does what people tell her to do. People describe her as "badass". Although YooMi doesn't seem like she'd be very smart, she is actually really intelligent. Not just school wise but street wise and clever as well. You'd really be surprised when it comes to YooMi, she has many things to her that you would never expect. She gets into trouble a lot, yet she is one of the best students in her class. She seems like she doesn't care about anything, when in reality, she is just as protective as a mother. And although she is cold and heartless, she does have good points to her. Sometimes.

Style: Casual: 01 02; Formal: 01 02

My Face

Ulzzang Name: Kang Hye Yeon

Ulzzang Links : 01 02 03 04

Back Up Ulzzang Name: Kang Su Ra

Ulzzang Links: 01 02 03 04

Additional*: Dark brown eyes, has both her ears double pierced, and has a music heart tattoo on her right wrist.




  • pranks
  • being alone
  • beanies (hats)
  • long necklaces
  • eating
  • long showers
  • spicy foods
  • motercycles
  • dogs
  • children


  • people
  • bright colors
  • being bossed around
  • high-pitched noises
  • sappy rom-com movies
  • gag shows
  • big jewelry


  • listening to music
  • dancing
  • pranking


  • cracking knuckles when bored
  • punching random things when mad
  • rolls her eyes when sees something she doesn't like


  • owns a motercycle back in Vietnam
  • there isn't one food she doesn't like (except for seafood)
  • allergic to seafood. If not treated immediately, she could die
  • has a soft spot for children and animals
  • has three dogs: Dingo, Samba, and Cato
  • is very flexible
  • can't swim
  • is very physically weak



Agility: 9/10

Strength: 3/10

Perception: 9/10

Endurance: 4/10

Fighting: 2/10

Teamwork: 0/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Control Over Power: 10/10



Mother: Vy Nguyen | 49 | co-owner of computer company | She is a very stressed person. She needs to learn to relax, but she never does. She's always on the look out if something is wrong. Is hard-working.

Father: Shin Chongho | 53 | co-owner of computer company | He never shows his love. Seems emotionless. Doesn't really care about what YooMi does.

Family Background: YooMi was always used to being alone in her house. Her parents worked all day and night, and barely had time for her, but she never minded. YooMi was practically raised by herself and her nanny, Ha Yoong. YooMi had parents who were push-overs to her, so she could really get away with anything. She could also do anything at school ad not get into any trouble because her parents sponsered them and paid a lot. They threatened that if she ever got into trouble, they'd stop paying.


Friends and Rival

Friends*: Name | Age | Occuption | Personality | Does he/she know about your powers?


Rival: Park Luna

Back-Up Rival: Kwon Yuri


Is It Love?

Love Interest: Kim Jongdae (Chen)

Personality: He can also be quite sarcastic at times, but he means well. He jokes around a lot, but also likes to tease people as well. However, he does really care about the people he's close with. He is also very smart, but can sometimes act like a know-it-all.

How you act around each other: Chen teases her while YooMi totally wants to rip his head off. She tried plotting her revenge prank on him, but since he's too smart for her it failed.

Back-Up Love Interest: Huang ZiTao (Tao)

Personality: Tao is someone who seems very cold on the outside. In reality, he is quite sweet and kind. He can be emotional and cute, but he likes to focus on his more tough and manly side.

How you act around each other: YooMi doesn't really pay attention to him and Tao is kind of intimidated by her.


We Got Da Power~

Your Powers: Poison generation and Healing factor (she can kill them and save them, too xD)

Back Up Powers: Supersonic scream and Replication


Bai Bai!~

Bu: Bibu

Anything Else?*: Thanks for viewing! Good luck, and if you need me to change anything, feel free to ask!


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