Planning on "My baby Maknae"

Yo! Sup guys? :3 


By the way, I'm planning on making another story .___. I felt like making something after imagining things whenever i'm on space xD


So Yeah! 

The characters? :D 

It will be EXO on it. ^^ 

HunHan, KrisHun, SeKai, SeDo, BaekHun, ChanHun, XiuHun! 

Sehun all the way xD


Title? It's already on the top ^^ 

Please support my story and my other stories T_______T 

Please Please Please recommend it to someone who likes to read stories T__T

I owe you guys so much if you do this for me. LOL. xD 

By the way, I have other stories. 

Ahmm .______. 


If you have time, can you read it? - 3 - 

The heck am i doing? >< 


That's all. Haha /scratchs the back of the neck/ 



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