SHINee 'The First' Review [For contest]

Can someone tell me if this sounds right >< I'm writing reviews for a contest


SHINee 'The First' Review.



-Overall view-

'The First' is an upbeat R&B Japanese album by Kpop sensation, SHINee. It features music ranging from sweet ballads to powerful raps, as well as songs somewhere in the middle of those two. While some of the songs seem more developed than others, each never fails to make a Shawol smile with the energetic beat and meaningful lyrics. Their vocals have improved as well, especially for the youngest member, Taemin who has now been assigned original lines of Jonghyun, the strong voiced main vocalist. However, the concept of this album is rather confusing to be honest. SHINee's 2nd album for example as well, the cover making all the songs look like they are as upbeat and techno as 'Lucifer', while they throw cute songs in there such as Wowowow, and sad songs like Love Pain. Now they have released their first Japanese album, which seems to be a mixture of many different types of music: dance, ballad, R&B, rap. Each individual song has their charms but when you push them all into one album, it makes the concept hard to see. Nonetheless, SHINee has come a long way since their debut in 2008 with their innocent sweet song 'Replay', as well as their other memorable hits. They are growing up, becoming more good looking, and taking on new forms of music that will definitely appeal to people all around the world, attracting and creating more fans each day with their music, especially with 'The First'.



-The music-

As stated before, there are many types of music squished into this 13 track album. To tackle each would take too long so to start, the remakes of the original Korean songs. 'Replay', 'Juliette', 'Lucifer', 'Amigo', 'Love Like Oxygen', ‘Hello’ and 'The SHINee World'. For the most part, these songs are exactly what they appear to be, remakes of the popular originals into Japanese. They fit well, like the Korean versions, though most Shawols would prefer the originals. Except 'Juliette' maybe, which sounds strangely better in Japanese. Then, there are the other Japanese tracks, ‘Better’, ‘To Your Heart’, ‘Always Love’, and ‘Seesaw’. They each have a melodious chorus, especially ‘To Your Heart’. ‘Always Love’ seems like a thank you tribute to the fans, and ‘Seesaw’ especially includes the smooth voices of the members, singing to what seems to be a “seesaw-like” rhythm against a jazz instrumental. ‘Better’ starts off softly, with the undoubtedly beautiful sound of a piano, then mixed with claps and the member’s soft voices which goes on strong into the chorus.  The bonus track, ‘Stranger’ is a very energetic song, keeping a nice beat through the whole track, and never failing to show off the wonderful voices of SHINee that fit well.



The cover of the album displays the members in rough yet stylish clothing, messy-styled hair, and cute immature doodles of a clown, a rabbit, and a rainbow. The cover plays off the members in a serious fashion, but the doodles seem to give off another idea. The photo shoot for this album was definitely an eccentric one, showing the members laughing playfully and playing with the props. The photos are splashed with colors and comic like drawings.


-Personal Opinion-

I like ‘The First’ very much, mostly because I got it for Christmas. But the music seems well thought of by the producers, and the member’s voices have definitely improved. I think that if you are a Shawol, you must definitely get this album, with each song holding playful and smooth charms, sung by the still rising Kpop kings, SHINee.


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