So I had my first drink the other day..

I was at a party the other day, just a small birthday celebration and it was a family party, except me and my sister were the only ones outside the family because we were so close to the kids. They all just came from the Philippines not long ago and I guess their family allowed the kids to drink because everyone, even us underage students, were drinking.. xD

Me and the other teenagers were just hanging out in the hotel room, watching the Bulls game and playing kpop songs on guitar c: and then one of them ofered me a drink xD he's underage too but older than me. He said only take one sip but I ended up drinking the whole glass ._____.

When I told me ex-turned-best-friend, he said "Oh my gosh, you're so underage, you're such a . I'm not talking to you until you apologize." -_______- oh.

Everyone was underage but no one got drunk. My sister didn't drink because she knew she'd get drunk easily and start stripping. The oldest, who's still underaged, offered me something harder but I said no because well.. alchohol is not for me. xD

When my mom picked us up, she saw all the drinks (they had everything, even voldka ._.) and she started lecturing us about how we shouldn't drink til we're the right age and my sister just stared at me like >____>

It's not that big a deal, right? xD

I'm just posting this because I like to blog about wutever~ even if no one reads it, lol.


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