Math's Greatest Problem(s)

Math's Greatest Problem(s).

Many people always go on about how math can solve everything, and that it's a universal language just like music. But math simply cannot solve everything. Math cannot describe morals, and why people do the things they do.

For example, 2+2 doesn't equal why my friend believes she's fat and decides to scar her beautiful skin. Neither does |6/7(98>x+[65-87]•12)|. No math equation can solve that. Sure, brain scans and scientists can try to understand what goes on in her mind, but do you honestly think 2+2 or |6/7(98>x+[65-87]•12)| or whatever mathematical formula you can think of will explain why she does the things she does? Because I honestly don't think so.

Another example, math cannot solve why I love certain things and dislike others. In general, math cannot solve love at all. Love isn't some equation that can be solved. X=Y, Y=Y, and X=X can be the only things I can think of that relates to love and math. Each spouse equals the other, and balances one another. Much like Yin Yang. But according to logics, I think I'm wrong.

Math doesn't explain why EXOtics dump logics and say 6+6=1 for some boy band. Love maybe? :)

Math can't explain why I suddenly decided to rant about this at 2:22 in the morning. ^^ 

So, to those who keep saying math solves everything, it doesn't. Otherwise if you find some equation to explain love or morals, my hat's off to you, and I take back what I've said, admitting that math can solve everything. :)

//rant over.

A/N I was technically wrong saying "equations". The examples I gave were "expressions". ^^


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Amen to that, my friend.