My Suicide Note

This is my suicide note from a few months ago.. I still feel this way. I'm pretty dangerous.



A Lost Tomorrow


On the horizon, the golden brown sky slowly melts into the soft pink heavens above my head. The soft white clouds dot the sky in a way that is pleasing to my eye. Reaching up to touch the beautiful scene above me, feeling the emptiness in my hands, that same feeling fills my heart.

The emptiness... The dissapointment.


Looking into my empty hand, I realize that there is no point. There is no point in my routine of reaching up to this beautiful scene, and looking into my empty hand, only to realize more and more that there is no point.


I can never reach the heavenly skies. I can never reach that joy and happiness, nor will I ever be able to even get close to it. My feet are grounded and hold me down to this world of misery and pain and empty happiness. I can never reach the beautiful sky if my feet are grounded and stuck to this world.

What’s the point? What’s the point of trying to reach to that sky anyways? I know that I can never reach it unless I detach myself from this world in death. I have nothing here to be happy about. But if I reach that sky, that beautiful pink sky...


I’ll finally be happy.


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darkfire-382 #1
Please don't let this be an option for you. You don't deserve to go through all that pain and end it right here. You deserve the best and should live for the best. I've recently lost a friend to suicide and I don't want to see the same thing happen to you.

You CAN be happy. You CAN feel joy. It seems so far-fetched and difficult, but it's definitely something you can work towards. I've been suicidal from 11 to 18 and went through depression and anxiety 3 semesters in college. I'm surprised I made it through, but here I am writing this to you. The healing process was and still is a testing journey, but I'm understanding why I hurt in the places that I do and I'm feeling better than I used to.

It's scary going through all of that by yourself, isn't it? It's like you're trapped to just your own mind and you can't get away from it. It definitely is a journey that you must learn and explore for yourself, but there are people who have completed that journey or are still walking through it and understand what you're feeling.

The first step is being completely determined to improve yourself and stop the pain. Accept your imperfections and love yourself for who you are. It'll feel weird at first, but it's all worth it in the end. You can do it. I'm here to help. :]
Don't allow satan to drown you in His lies, baby dongseng; He loves you so so much and so do I and your awesome friend below my comment and others as well if you just take a small breath and look around <3

I know, up-beat, motivational-y words that you probably might sigh at this very moment, but it's true. You are always loved, you are always needed. You have a purpose in this world; you were put in here to shine a light on through your smile and experiences, which will all become a beautiful message someday. Just wait. This...this waiting, hoping, and disappointment might seem endless. I'd know; I once was on the same thinking path as you were, when I was your age. Yet, if you end everything right can't turn back. You'll never get to see the sun behind the clouds. Which, btw, will come out at the perfect time to shine on your face and bring out your amazing smile~

Just keep strong, but not by yourself - with the Lord, too. He hurts with you and He smiles with you, and He'll never give you anything more than you can handle. That means you are definitely strong enough to handle this; do not think for one second that you're too weak, b/c you're strong, beautiful, heartwarm, trustworthy, and amazingly kind<3 and u deserve every bit of the love and rewards back.

Always praying for you, lovely.
Hi baby girl. First and foremost, I want you to know that I love you and that I care about you. Please don't go through with this.

Look, I know things may be hard right now and I know that I can't fully understand how you feel but, keep this in mind: Days to smile will always come.

Better days will always come your way, baby girl. You just have to stay strong and wait for it. Honestly, I think you're one of the bravest and strongest people I know. You're sweet, caring, selfless, and absolutely beautiful. You deserve so much happiness and so much joy. You deserve all the best in the world and I know it will come to you soon. Please just wait for it.

There is a point in your life. You're you. Special in your own way. There will NEVER be anyone like you. Ever. Always know that I'm here with you every step of the way. I'll pm you my email later so that we can talk a little better, if you want.

Take things one step at a time. I believe in you. I know you can get through this. Things get better, I promise. It seems hard, you know, but I believe you can make it. I'll be there to help you up along the way. So talk to me. I'll always be here. If you want to cry, I'll be here. No matter what, I'll stick with you. I wont judge you or anything. You're my baby girl and I love you. I may not be with you physically, but know that I'll always be with you. 

Life hands you things you never would have expected so that you can learn from them. Things may not seem clear now, but I'm sure everything will make sense in the future. If you take your life now, then you won't be able to see what great things the future holds for you. 

You will make it. I know you will. And I'll be here with you. Always. 
This isn't still an option for you, is it? ;~;