My 50 Q&A (Taken from thelucifer)

I was very bored and I saw this so I decided to fill it out... Sorry to thelucifer for stealing it... if you want me to take it down just let me know =D

1.) Think of the last person who said they loved you, do you believe them?

Most definitely =D I know my friend will always be there for me

2.) Would you date an 18 year old at your current age?

That's only a three year difference... so yeah

3.) When was the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?

Like... yesterday

4.) Would you smile at a stranger?

Depends on what mood I'm in... but probably =D

5.) When was the last time you've been heartbroken?

Little over a year ago... on my birthday =/

6.) Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?

If you count reminding me of kpop idols.... yes

7.) What exactly are you wearing right now?

Tank top and Soffe shorts

8.) How often do you listen to music?

I wish I could listen to it nonstop, but it destracts me too much so I listen whenever I have free time

9.) Which do you wear more; jeans or sweats?

Jeans.... I wear them almost every day

10.) Do you think your life will dramatically change before 2013?

I mean, you never know... but I guess not... there isn't a whole lot to change in my life that soon...

11.) Are you a social or anti-social person?

Somewhere in between maybe... leaning more toward the social side I think though

12.) Have you ever kissed someone with the name that starts with A?


13.) What about R?


14.) Can you drive?

I wish

15.) Do you care if people talk badly about you?

I guess it depends who and what they're saying... I don't mind so much if people I don't know talk about me badly as long as they don't start any rumors or anything but I can't stand when my friends talk behind my back

16.) Are you going out of town soon?

Considering school's about to start... no

17.) When was the last time you cried?

Yesterday.... Stress and exhaustion = tears

18.) Have you ever told someone you loved them?

Only my parents, brother, and friends

19.) Is there a person you'd do absolutely do anything for?

Not right now

20.) If you could change your eye color, would you?

Hell yeah... Dark Blue or Purple

21.) Name something you dislike about your day.

Summer homework

22.) Is it cute when a guy kisses a girl on their forehead?

YES!!! Why can't anyone do that to me? T^T

23.) Are you dating the last person you talked to?

Since the last person I talked to was my mom... no

24.) What are you sitting on right now?

A very comfy chair that spins

25.) Have you ever wanted someone you can't have?

Every male kpop idol in the world.... yes

26.) What was the last song you listened to?

Daydream by Super Junior <3

27.) Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?

Kyuhyun.... asking him how his voice could be so low... he didn't answer T^T

28.) Do you get a lot of colds?

Almost never

29.) What's your favorite brand of clothing?

Don't have one...

30.) Does anyone hate you?

Why don't you ask them? I have no idea...

31.) Do you drink alcohol?


32.) Do you like watching scary movies?

I sometimes get a bit freaked out by them but they're fun to watch

33.) Do you want your tongue pierced?

Most definitely not

34.) If you had to delete one year of your life, what year would it be?

Sixth grade... I was the friendless nobody with awful rumors going around about me (that weren't true in case your wondering) T^T

35.) Did you have a dream last night?

Yeah... I was dating Kevin from U-Kiss and I was a trainee... It was nice XD

36.) When was the last time you told someone you loved them?

Yesterday... same friend who said she loved me =D (not in a romantic love kinda way... like a friendship way... =P)

37.) Do you think you'll be married in 5 years?

I'm gonna wait till I'm out of college... so no

38.) Do you think someone is thinking of you right now?

It's possible... you never know

39.) Do you think someone has feelings for you?

Again, I have no idea... go ask them and tell me what they say =D

40.) Did you have a good day yesterday?

No... not at all

41.) Think back 2 months ago, were you in a relationship?

Only in my mind... with kpop idols...

42.) What will you be doing in the next 48 hours?

Band practice, tennis practice, band practice, band practice... fun

43.) Has someone ever told you that they never want to lose you?

My cousin... we're tight

44.) Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?

Not a lot but some... stalker

45.) What's the best part about school?

I get to see my friends

46.) Do you ever pass notes to your friends during class?


47.) Do you replay things that have happened in your head?

All the time

48.) Were you single over the last summer?

Yeah... sadly

49.) Is your life anything like it was 2 years ago?

Not really... I've learned a lot, experienced a lot, and matured a lot so I don't think so

50.) What are you supposed to be doing right now?

Summer homework... shhhhh


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