Someone help me with my problems ..please ..

WELL I AM DOING MY ALGEBRA HOMEWORK , AND OUR TASK IS TO EXPLAIN HOW TO DO ALGEBRA .. TELL ME IF I'M RIGHT WITH THE EXPLAINING ..................................................I REALLY WANNA GET GOOD GRADES .... There is an equation 2x - 15 = 3x - 10 Let's try to solve it. Let us add 15 to both sides of the equation. 2x - 15 + 15 = 3x - 10 + 15 -15 and + 15 gives you 0. -10 and +15 gives you 5 Now we can rewrite the equation in more simple and convenient way: 2x + 0= 3x + 5 or 2x = 3x +5 Again let us remove the same weight from the opposite plates of the scale so that balance will not be destroyed. Subtract 3x from the left and the right side of the equation. 2x - 3x = 3x + 5 - 3x. 2x -3x gives -x. 3x - 3x gives 0. Now we can rewrite the equation in more simple way: -x = 5 To find x multiply both sides of equation on -1 (-x ) * (-1) = 5 * (-1 ) x = - 5


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Okays.... Even though you passed and got an A+.... Can I try to solve it??!?!...Kekeke...<br />
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2x-15=3x<br />
First, you have to find like terms or a number with the same variable. Which is (2x) and (3x).Then do the opposite and turn (2x) into a negative, which is (-2x). You then subtract...<br />
3x-2x=1 or x....... Now, that you're left with x....... You just finished the problem!!!!! YAYs~!!!!<br />
Cheongdab-eun: [-15=x]<br />
Keke... This is long... Sorry, but I'm known to be a math geek in my class. Soooo~yeah~ I hope you understood it though^^
Lol.. Thanks everyone anyway !! Yay!! I passed and I got an A+ !! wohoo !! What luck do I have !! No offense .. <br />
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x_nilah #3
SO confusing? I learn algebra but I don't understand this XP you are younger than me and I just learned algebra, woah, standard in korea is..
I don't understand maths at all...lols<br />
I'm clueless right now..<br />
-xMomo #5
Not that I dont know algebra , I already learned that but I couldn't undersdtand your question >.<
-xMomo #6
I really HOPE I can help ,<br />
But I couldn't understand what your writing >.<
i would like to help but idk what your doing....<br />
what grade are you in?
i don't get your last equation. what -1 (-x)(-1)=5(-1), so therefore, x= -5?