Kidnapped!!! Jong oppa, I need u again!!! Whaaa!! T^T

Unnie(ShinJae UNNIE) and Taemin oppa are kidnapped !!! I saw them getting dragged into a black van by two men .. Luckily I was hiding .. I wanted to help them but I couldn't now i'm helpless .. My parents are out of town , jinny UNNIE is taking care of Minho oppa in the hospital , my ShinJae UNNIE and Taemin oppa are kidnapped , my HyeMin UNNIE and MiHyuk oppa are with my parents and now i'm left at home alone!! And i'm scared !! I want my mommy!! I want help!! And there's someone knocking on the door downstairs but i'm too scared to go down!! What if it's a kidnapper !! What if he shoots me!! What do I do!!! *cries* I want my MiHyuk oppa's shoulders to lean on !! I want ShinJae unnie's , HyeMin unnie's and Jinny unnie's voices to calm me down .. I want everyone i'm missing to be with me ..!! I'm alone !!


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x_nilah #1
DONGSAENG! WHAT HAPPENED? You want some help and comfort? And what happened to taemin??
Dae-hyun-ssi #2
Jin baby .. I wanna help u out but I cant coz of the rain .. Oh my poor half sister .. Are u ok there? Tell me everything that happened .. Keep safe ... SARANGHAE yeoh Wonhi
OMG...<br />
I can't take anymore of this. *prays*<br />
please please please be fine!!!
LonelyDay #5
dongsaeng, are you okay? don't be scared dongsaeng. i'm so worried now.