Killing Loneliness Application- Ryu Joo Hee

Killing Loneliness Application

[[Ryu Joo Hee]]
About You;
Username: dino-nerd525
Preferred Name: Kyra or Kiki is fine
Activeness: 8.5
Character Profile;
Name: Ryu Joo Hee
Gender: Female
Birthday/Age: 28/10/1993 & 18 years old
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Blood Type: AB
Spoken Languages: Korean
Height: 164 cm
Personality: Joo Hee is a very stubborn, maybe a bit too confident girl. Don't get her wrong. She means well, it's just that sometimes her perfect grades can get to her head and she acts like she's the smartest person in the world. She never likes to admit that she was wrong or giving in very easily, so she'll keep on going for what she thinks is right. Joo Hee is more of a leader than a follower and doesn't like to be told what to do. Although Joo Hee is very bossy, she knows her limits. Even if she's telling people to do things, she'll at least help as well. But other than that, she's a born leader and is always ready to take charge. She is independent and always ready for a challenge.
Joo Hee's always looking out for others, even if she doesn't know them. You'll be surprised with Joo Hee. Even when she doesn't like you, she'll definitely help you when you're in need, since she's always had a soft spot for people who are weak in the moment. Because of her helpful ways, she's very protective. Somethings, someones, everything. She hates it when people mistreat her friends and isn't afraid to whoop their butts when needed. She is very blunt and always likes to speak her mind, so she'll be able to stand up for people.
She is also known as the mother of her group for many reasons. She's bossy at most times, she looks out for people, and because she is very naggy. Joo Hee nags. A lot. When she sees something out of place, she'll make you fix it since she has high OCD issues and can't stand it if something isn't right. Joo Hee is clean and organized, so if it's a mess they're talking about, she always has the urge to clean it. In all honesty, if you ask anyone close to her, they'd say that she stresses way too much and really just needs to learn to calm the heck down. It's like Joo Hee's always on the lookout. Even when she does try and relax, something always ruins it for her which is herself.
Background: Joo Hee was born as the oldest child of three, giving her her protective ways. Joo Hee and her family have always come from the lower class, but they never really minded. Her parents worked al day long to help support them, and the kids went to school all day. Joo Hee would always be the one to look after her siblings when her parents were away since she was the oldest. Because of this, she felt as if she had to help with the eonomy as well since she started feeling bad. Her grades were high and she would be very capable of succeeding in many things, but of all things, she chose the arts as her passion and pursued her career.
Ulzzang Image;
Ulzzang Name: Kang Hye Yeon
Links: 001 002 003 004 005 006
Backup Ulzzang Name: Lee So Ah
Links: 001 002 003
Basic Stuff;
What are they studying? Traditional arts
What Year? Sophomore
Likes: bubble tea, reading, winnie the pooh, being right, playing truth or dare, children, being organized
Dislikes: being treated weakly, gag shows, sweet foods, bullying, fangirling over people, the people who get fangirled over, horror movies
Hobbies: painting, dance, geomungo
How easily do they scare? Joo Hee actually gets scared very easily, but she doesn't like to show it. She wants people to think of her as mature and tough, though on the inside, she's dying of horror. Sometimes he can't help but scream her lungs out.
Biggest Fear: Joo Hee's biggest fear is spiders because her grandmother was bitten by a poisonous one and she was killed instantly, and because he thinks they're also really creepy-looking and scary. She also has a minor fear of drowning since she can't swim very well.
Trivia: blinks rapidly when really scared, claustrophobic so she hates when people are in her space, snorts when she laughs a lot, allergic to seafood, has never dated or kissed anybody
They're checking their email and they see they won a trip to Paris, it seems pretty legit, how do they react?
Joo Hee thought it was all a bunch of crap and thought it was a prank, so started typing things back like, "Oh my gosh, really? Thanks SO much! Not. How dumb do you think I am?" But after a while of getting more replies, she started believing it more and more.
It was legit. They're running late but they finally made it to the airport ready to check-in and they realize they don't have their passport, now what?
Starts stressing and cursing, but calls someone to get it. When they say yes, she'd text them endless amounts of times asking, "Are you almost here?"
By the grace of God, they made it to Paris. They've had a wonderful few days and they're finally going to the Eiffel Tower. they're having a great time and they notice a crying child, it's obvious that the child is lost, what do they do?
Since Joo Hee has a soft spot for this kind of stuff, she automatically ditches the person she's with and goes to comfort him. She'd go looking for the parents and when she finds them, would remind them lots of times about how important it is to take care of your child.
It's time to go home, how do they feel? What will they miss most?
She feels a bit sad, but will get over it. She just liked it because it was a great experience. Joo Hee would miss having something different in her life. When she gets back home, it's back to the same-old same-old.
Ryu Chong Ho | Alive | 52 | Restaurant chef helper | hard-working, kind, supportive | Although he's always out working, Chong Ho has the best relationship with Joo Hee. They always joke around with each other and will spend lots of time with each other when he isn't working. They encourage each other to be the best they can be.
Ryu Jaemin | Alive | 50 | School Language teacher- day and night shift | caring, understanding, trustworthy | Jaemin is the one that is out of the house the most with her day and night shift, so it is quite hard to be close with any of her kids, but she knows that they all still love her. Joo Hee really loves and respects her mother for what she does to help them.
Ryu Tae Wan | Alive | 7 (twins)| student | playful, trouble-making, carefree | Tae Wan and Joo Hee have more of  mother-son relationship than a sibling one. She's always the one to tell him what's right and wrong and is the one to scold him when something he does isn't right. Although they fight a lot, they still care and love each other without acknowledging it.
Ryu Tae Ho | Alive | 7 (twins) | student | weak, careful, girly | Tae Ho is the one Joo Hee looks out for the most since all the kids pick on him for his weaknesses. Although he does enjoy things most guys don't, JOo Hee sees the man in him and they really love each other a lot.
Jessica Jung | 23 | Jessica is like the sister Joo Hee never had. She is always all-smiles around her and they always understand each other. Jessica is someone Joo Hee can trust with her life and know she will always be there for her.
Kim Kibum (Key) | 20 | Although Key and Joo Hee joke around with each other and are sarcastic around one another, they actually care a lot for each other. They are somewhat alike so they can relate as well.
Kim Jongdae (Chen) | 19 | Chen and Joo Hee mess around with each other and play pranks on one another. They aren't close at all. Joo Hee hates him since he acts so immature and careless at times.
Love Interests;
Name: Kim Jongdae (Chen)
Age: 19
Relationship: See Rival
Backup Name: Zhang Yixing (Lay)
Age: 20
Relationship: They rarely knew each other, they were just fellow classmates. Besides, Lay already had a girlfriend.
Scene Request: Chen and Joo Hee get locked in a room together.
Anything Else: Nopes~
Everything Else;
Questions/Comments: Thanks for viewing! If you need me to fix anything, feel free to ask and good luck!
Suggestions: Nopes, sorry~ c:


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