Damn it! T^T but Yay?

Well the Yay is that I'll be in California for about 6 days and 1 in Los Vegas!!!! But! Damn it because I'll miss the first day of school! :( Most people would be happy but I made a promise with my friends at a sleepover I had last month. We promised each other that we would confess to our crushes (I gave my friend my blessing before she did since she likes my cousin haha XD) I wrote him a love letter but now I can't give it to him (Plus he has a girlfriend *sigh*)

Vacation and school will also be the reason for any future hiatus! (School starts in early August so I'll be on hiatus soon


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Haha! I went to CA before and it was so awesome! I'm happy to be going there for the 2nd time :D I wish I could XP but he only thinks of me as a frenemy (?) or his friend's cousin or a group member (we have our own little 'Asian' group haha XD)
WOOT CA!! :] You'll love it there! I did:] I'm sorry to hear about your crush... Snatch him from his gf xP