
I'd like to start this post by saying I am so incredibly sorry I've been so inactive lately. I really have no excuse. I'm trying to finish a few stories and write a bunch more, and I like having them actually finished before I update but I've fallen way too far behind. I know it's been months since I actually updated Mato's Finest and the chapter has been sitting in my documents waiting to be written.

That being said, rehearsal for my musical has been incredibly stressful and it's worn me out so much. Maybe it's my creative powers. Either way, once it's done it will be a huge weight off my shoulders. On top of the musical, my two online classes officially start tomorrow so yay? Oh and I finally found work. I know I sound busy but I'm absolutely positive there will be plenty of writing time in between work and school things so I'm not going away, I promise! I felt like I had something else to say but I completely forgot it.

Oh well.

Bring on the fall!

Peace :)


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