I need help (Application)

{Goo Min Hyo "Mo"}


Username/Link: dino-nerd525

I Am...

Name: Goo Min Hyo
Nickname: Mo
Age: 18
Birthdate: October 28
Ethnicity: Korean
Birthplace: Seoul, Korea
Hometown: Daegu, Korea
Occupation: Student at Daegu High School; Is on the soccer, wrestling, and basketball team

Languages: Korean, Chinese (her mother knows many languages)
Blood Type: O
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Ulzzang Name: Lee So Ah
Ulzzang Links: 001 002 003 004 005
Backup Ulzzang Name: Lee Dasom
Style: casual casual casual dressy dressy dressy formal workout workout

This Is Me

Personality Before Disorder: Mo was a very athletic kind of girl who played really rough, but she always meant well. She was always a joking kind of person. Although she would always mess around with her friends or play with them a bit too harshly, she was alway there for you to count on. She was very silly, so she was capable of cheering anyone up. Mo knows her limits and how and/or when to push pass people no matter what circumstances there are, and if you mess with her or her friends, you're in for a load of pain. Even though she wasn't the smartest girl in school, she was very street smart and knew her way around everything. Mo was also quite sneaky and could get away with anything. If she was in trouble, she'd snake her way out with an excuse. If her friends were in trouble, she'd say it was her own fault. Though Mo seems like she's be the one with the bad temper, she actually was very patient and rarely got angry. She is a tough girl, so she didn't get upset quite often, either.
Peronality During Disorder: The girl who was once the friendly, bold person is now, well... more or less of everything. Before she was the girl who had lots of patience. Now, if you even touch her, she'll completely snap at you. The only thing she did gain more of from before was, of course, her strength. It isn't just
rough anymore. It's gone to the phase of violence. If you make her mad, she'll be sure to kick your right to the hospital. Now, Mo doesn't even know her limits and will just keep going. You have to be extremely careful of what you say to her or around her because she has serious anger issues and gets mad VERY easily. All the time, she'll express her anger on everything- people, things, even herself sometimes. That's right, she cuts herself since she feels the need to be "punished" from how she started treating people. She hates it, but she honestly can't stop. Other than that she's practically emotionless. If, for some odd reason, she isn't angry, Mo will have a thoughtless face and will just stare off into space. Angry, violent, and lost. That's what Mo has become.

  • being alone
  • spicy foods
  • loud, rock music
  • baggy clothes
  • long showers
  • sleeping in
  • reptiles
  • animals (the only ones she can talk to without getting mad)


  • people
  • gag shows
  • laughing/giggling
  • loud noises
  • getting touched
  • skinship
  • being called tiny or small
  • crowded places
  • meeting new peopl
  • going to anger management classes
  • fangirls/fangirling


  • soccer
  • basketball
  • wrestling
  • releasing out anger
  • listening to music alone


  • punching things when scared, surprised, angry, or upset
  • starts randomly kicking and punching in her sleep
  • clenches fists when nervous but doesn't want to how it
  • snorts when lughs (which rarely happens)


  • has always had a soft spot for kids
  • wants to be an athlete when grows up
  • has extremely cute agyo but would NEVER EVER dare to show it
  • has never dated/kissed anybody
  • allergic to seafood
  • terrible cook/cleaner/anything to do with house chores
  • is good at pretty much every sport
  • has many scars, bruies from family, sports, punching everything

My Relationships

Mother: Goo Jaemin | 49 | Korean | was a school language teacher | Mo and her mother got along really well. They had an unbreakable bond together and loved to do everything together. Jaemin was like Mo's teacher. She taught her many languages and house chores, but of course, Mo failed in all of them. However, Jaemin never scolded her or anything. It encouraged her to work harder for her.

Father: Goo ChongHo | 52 | Korean | Basketball coach | Mo and her father were never very close to each other. They never really joked around and he was a lot stricter than her mother. All Mo really ever saw of her father was her coach. They weren't close enough to even have Mo call him 'dad'. It was always 'coach'. He would be the one to yell at her whenever she did something wrong.

Background: Mo was born in Seoul, Korea, but moved to Daegu, Korea, shortly after she was born, so she had no real memory of Seoul. Even before Mo was born, her father was a sports freak. He was a basktball player, a famous one at that, but retired before Mo was born. Her mother was a language teacher at school and always loved kids, so she did excellent with Mo as a child. However, right when Mo was able to toddle, her father introuced her to every sport possible in hopes that he would take in his footsteps. Finally, Mo took in soccer and basketball. She was trained very well by him and was the team captain on both teams. Her schedule was quite busy as a kid. She never had time to herself. It was always go to school, go to practice, come home and do homework, then go to house chores lessons. Mo really preferred the house chores lessons with her mother better than anything else and would look foreward to that the most in her day, even though she at most chores. Sadly, though, her mother got cancer and shortly passed away after, leaving Mo devistated. Mo never did her best in anything afterwards. Sports was always the worst. She was never really into it anymore and every time she lost a game or did bad during practice, her dad would go up to her and say "You . I never trained you like this." and would beat her right after, resulting in scars and bruises, adding ento the fire that was slowly burning. On top of that, he added wrestling to Mo's schedule, making her even more violent. One day out of the blue, Mo's anger was bottled in too much that she snapped at her father and punched him in the face. Mo was extremely surprised she did that and really hated herself afterwards. Her father had enough after that. He kicked her out of the house saying she would never be successful. Then on, she lived by herself in an apartment and every time her father would visit, it would be a scolding, a beating, then would say, "Unsuccessful daughter." Mo then vowed that her life goal was to be successful and show her father who was the one to be beaten.

(Best)Friend(s): Lee Miyoung | 19 | student, part time job as cafe waitress | Is very understanding. Miyoung is the girl you'd probably go to irst if you were hurting. Although she doesn't talk much, she is always following the rules and is very obedient. She gives the best advice and almost acts like a mother to many people. She knows how to talk some sense into people, yet do it in the kindest way possible. | Mo loves Miyoung like a sister. Miyoung even let Mo stay in her apartment until she found one of her own. They are unbreakable and are always there for each other to talk to.

Rival: Goo ChongHo | See father. | Mo never thought her rival would be her own father.

I’m Sick

What disorder do you have? Depression | Anorexia | Bulimia | Other: Anger
How did you deveop the disorder? After her mother died and she became depressed, her father's abuse and harsh words didn't exactly help. After she punched her father, she thought she could never forgive herself, though at the same time, she wanted to show him that she was capable of being successful.
How long have you been sick? 2 years of depression, 1 year of anger

How long have you been seeking treatment? 1 year
Has it gotten any better since starting treatment? Yes | No

Degree of disorder: Minor | Minor-Medium | Medium | Medium-Major | Major
What do you do to ease the pain? She has been cutting herself ever since she became depressed. Mo has tried committing suicide by hanging herself, but Miyoung walked in hen it was about to happen. She also cries herself to sleep.
What do you hate about yourself?

  • anger issues
  • unsuccessful
  • disrespectful
  • worthless
  • mean
  • tired
  • too competetive
  • can't take care of anyone (bad house chores)
  • can't keep up with grades at school
  • too busy practicing sports to do anything else
  • thinks too sadly
  • sarcastic
  • emotionless
  • pushes herself too hard

What do you like about yourself?

  • capable of being successful
  • athletics
  • tough
  • Miyoung

What IS good about you?

  • beautiful
  • understanding
  • bold
  • brave
  • determined
  • clever
  • Miyoung

Who signed you up for this show and why? Once Miyoung found Mo in her room about to kill herself, she thought enough was enough. Miyoung was worried to death about her and couldn't even sleep knowing that something could happen to her caused by herself, so she signed her up without her permission, knowing that Mo would never agree to it.

Help Me

Mentor: Tao | Exo
Mentor Personality: Tao seems very intimidating and very cold on the outside, but once you get to know him, he is all smiles and loves to hang around people. He is usually always calm. He likes to take walks on the beach, even shopping! He claims that he doesn't like to fight, but always has his wushu and kung fu under him to use it when needed. Although you would never think of it to be, Tao is very cute and even a bit sensitive and emotional at times. When he gets upset, he'll cry. When he wants something, he'll show you extremely irrisistabe aegyo. However, he likes to be seen as a man and doesn't like showing this side of him. Tao also has a good sene of humor and can lift your spirits. He is understanding and is always willing to help or just listen to you.
How do you interact with each other? Still a bit hesitant and hateful towards each other. Once Mo knew she was being signed up for this, she thought it would be a piece of cake. Just beat up the guy and leave. However, she had no idea that he knew kung fu and that he could easily top her. She is cold towards him and always lashes out no matter what he's doing. Tao got very surprised and snaps back, since he gets mad that he's just trying to help and she's treating him like crap.
First Meeting: I don't know, could you make one up for me?
Backup Mentor: Key | SHINee

Backup Mentor Personality: Key is also everyone's "umma." He can cook, take care of people, anything. He also enjoys shopping. However, he can nag a bit too much and not even know it. He knows how to make a joke, and it seems like he thinks to highly of himsel, but he really doesn't. He is very understanding and a great listener so he'll be able to talk things out with you if you needed it. He worries a lot, so if anyone is in need, he'll always be the first one to ask if they need help.
How do you interact with each other? Mo thinks of Key as too naggy and bossy and hates that he really bosses her around. Key hate that Mo is too violent and is sometimes even scared to get near her in case. Nonetheless, Key is worried for her and really wants to help.
First Meeting: Make one up


Requested Scenes: Maybe if it isn't too much trouble, Mo tries to punch Tao from irritation, but then Tao gets all wushu on her and they get into a big fight, but Tao wins. Also if Tao could see that Mo had cuts on her ankles and wrists.
Did I miss anything? Just letting you know, the reason why Tao was picked was because they were afraid that Mo would beat anyone else up, but Tao is capable of fighting back.
Comments/Questions: Thanks for viewing! If you need me to fix anything, I'l do it, and good luck on the story!


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