☠ welcome to the last days of your life application

"enter your name for an entry!"

your username is: TheBestOfKpop
the link to your profile: click!!!
how active you are: 9
you are comfortable with death, violence, gore, and angst, correct?: YES!!!!!!! Don't judge me >.<


"hey, you! what's your name?"

my name is: Mizuki, Hibiki
i am: sixteen.
i was born on: June 13th, 2001.
i was born in: Busan, South Korea
my height is: 158 cm
my weight is: 52 kg
i have a:
Mother: Mizuki, Sora | 39 | unemployed

Father: Mizuki, Kang | 42 | unemployed (they get their money soley from wellfair and unemployment funds)

Sister [younger by 2 minutes]: Mizuki, Minji | 16 | student

my past was like this:

Hibiki grew up in a broken household. His mother and father didn't pay any attention to Hibiki or Minji so they mostly had to grow up on their own. They had to make their own meals, earn their own money, buy their own clothes, get themselves to and from school, ect. Their parents ignored their existance and never said more than two words to them per week. This might have had something to do with the fact that they were almost never home, but it was mainly due to the fact that whenever they were home they were drunk beyond reason. Luckily, they almost never got violent, but they were never concious for more than a few minutes. They would walk in, take off their shoes, plop down on the couch, turn on the tiny tv to some soap opera and pass out. Hibiki and Minji hated their parents though they never made that clear. They always secretly hoped that they were adopted and that their real parents were out there somewhere and would one day come and swoop them into their arms and take them away, but of course, that never happened.

Hibiki and Minji were forced to grow up at an extremely young age due to their parent's neglect. They never had any friends during their childhoods because they never had any free time between work, school, cooking, and cleaning. They grew up alone with no one there for them except each other. Because of this harsh upbringing, neither child learned how to depend on someone or how to trust so to this day they are both indepentent and in some ways paranoid when it comes to opening up to others.

i behave like this:

Hibiki is never afraid to speak his mind. If he thinks something, he will say it. It doesn't matter if it is a completely inappropriate or mean thing to say. He believes that we have thoughts for a reason and that reason is so that we can share our thoughts. He is always blatantly honest. He hates lies because they just cover up what should be out in the open. Deceit, lies, and cover-ups are never used by Hibiki and he hates when people use them. He believes that the truth will come out sooner or later and better soon than later. How can you solve a problem when all the true and honest facts aren't on the table? You can't. So Hibiki doesn't see the point in lies. The problem is that he doesn't believe in white lies either. If a girl asks him if her hair looks okay and it doesn't, he will say so and with absolutely no sugar coating.

Hibiki is also incredibly free-spirited. He does what he wants to do and no one can stop him. If there's something he wants to do or somewhere he wants to go, he'll do it no matter what anyone says. Once he knows what he wants he goes for it and doesn't let anything get in his way or even so much as slow him down. This causes him to be also very determined. If he has a goal to accomplish, he won't rest until he reaches it. The down side is it causes him to be stubborn. He won't listen to anyone or anything that they have to say against what he wants to do. Logic won't work. He won't listen. Once Hibiki wants something there is no possible way to stop him.

He is also very independent. He doesn't like to depend on other people because he believes that he can do anything he sets his mind to on his own. He doesn't like owing people and (hating deceit as much as he does) he is always afraid people are going to betray him if he comes to depend on them. Yes, you could call him paranoid. But he is just trying to protect himself.

The ironic part is that Hibiki lets others depend on him. He can be pretty protective of his friends and family especially his twin sister. He hates people who trick them and anyone who hurts them had better be ready to pay. I suppose he could be considered overprotective, but he does it more from the shadows (at least most of the time). Most of the people around him don't even notice that he's protective because he does it very subtily such as approaching someone who tricked them and threatening them. This protectivness is the one thing that Hibiki believes is acceptable to hide, but if you were to come straight up to him and ask if she was protective or not, he would answer honestly. Of course, no one does that though so Hibiki isn't really lying.

Hibiki is a problem solver. He loves to fix things: both actual objects and problems that people are having. Lots of people go to him for advice and to help solve their problems. But be warned, he won't hold back. He'll tell you his honest opinion and help you if he can, but don't expect too much comfort or sugar coating. 


i look like this: Won Jong Jin | 1 | 2 | 3


"hello, class B! welcome to battle royale!"

your reaction to being told you were going to either kill or be killed: a mixture of excitement and nervousness
1, 2, 3, or 4. choose two of those numbers: 1, 4
your strengths:


  • sneaky | while simply walking though the woods and when doing things he isn't supposed to so that he doesn't get caught
  • aware | Hibiki is always very observant and aware of his surroundings
  • doesn't depend on others | he'll be able to get along without the help of others meaning he won't have to put his trust in anyone lessening his chance of being betrayed and killed
  • he knows how to handle himself in a fist fight | after years of telling people the blantant and honest truth, he's been in his fair share of fist fights though he has never technically started them, he just said the wrong thing to the wrong person

your weaknesses:

  • slow | running has never been his thing, he'd much prefer to hide and sneak away when the danger's past
  • not much endurance | again, running has never been his thing and though he's in shape, his body isn't used to running\
  • if someone asks for help he won't be able to say no | he lets people depend on him and if someone he knows asks for his help or assistance he'll oblige
  • he's never held an actual weapon other than a knife which he isn't familiar with fighting with | he prefers to use his fists, but fists against a gun or dagger doesn't work very well

things you like:

  • working with his hands | Hibiki likes fixing things and he finds that it takes his mind off things when he's working on something with his hands
  • occasional solitude | it's easier for Hibiki to think when he's on his own
  • nature | he feels that the trees and the wild animals are the only living things he can truly depend on without the fear of them betraying him

things you dislike:

  • asking people for help | Hibiki is always unsure if these people will truly help him or if they will lie to him: he has a trust problem
  • people who doubt him because of his height | he gets offended at comments on his height very easily
  • actors | people who are good at acting always put Hibiki on edge because it's close to impossible to tell if they're lying or not

how would you like to be killed off?: Something interesting please... and somewhat angsty... like that scene in the movie where the one girl poisons the otHim and they all freak out and end up killing all the girls except the one who actually put the poison in the food... not just some boring death like getting his throat cut by his rival....


"do you. . . wanna, maybe, form an alliance?"

your friends:

  • Changjo | He is extremely shy and somewhat nerdy. He doesn't have many friends and he is very understanding. He doesn't talk a lot, but he's a great listener and he'll do almost anything for almost anyone if you simply ask. Because of this, he often gets cheated and/or betrayed. Hibiki is extremely sensitive to this and helps him whenever he can since he hates seeing people hurt by lies and deceit.
  • Seohyun | She is an extremely dependent person. She always has to have someone help her with almost everything and she can never stand out from the crowd. You never see her without at least one person by her side and she rarely talks except to echo what someone else said. She doesn't have a problem or anything, she's just very self-concious and her self-esteem is non-existant. She's always afraid to do anything on her own in fear that she'll mess it up or people won't like her because of it so she depends on others to make decisions for her. Because of this, like Changjo, she is very vulnerable and often gets hurt because of it. Hibiki stepped in though and let her lean on him in order to protect her.

your best friend: ---
your love interest: Amber | She's a bit of a rebel, or at least she acts like it. She's extremely active and lively and she likes to talk a lot, but underneath she's extremely self-concious and tends to go with what other people want out of her instead of what she wants. People like her outgoing, rebellious side so she tends to only show that side even if she doesn't agree with what she's saying. As long as people like her, she doesn't think it matters what she wants and what she doesn't want. Hibiki finds this very brave and selfless, but at the same time stupid. He wants to help and protect her and that's why he's attracted to her.
rival: Kyuhyun | He's an actor and a damn good one at that. He lies constantly but no one can ever see through these lies. He gets away with almost anything by coming up with a believable story on the spot and telling it flawlessly with not a single lose end. He's used to getting his way thanks to these lies and stories, but Hibiki has somewhat ruined that. Hibiki can see though his lies and calls him out on them whenever he can.


"have any final thoughts, punk?"

anything else you feel i should know?: BATTLE ROYALE IS INCREDIBLE!!!! Though I think you already knew that....
password: Stay out of the danger zones!


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