


1. Post the rules

2. Answer the given 11 questions. Then create 11 new ones!

3. Tag 11 people


chubbyturtle's questions:

1. Who is your number one bias? (Can only choose one.)

Kim Jongwoon (Yesung)

2. Who is your favorite boy group?

Super Junior

3. Who is your favorite girl group?


4. Do you hate any groups? (I hope you don't.)

I really can't stand EXO. It has nothing to do with them, I just can't stand them. Like how I just want to hit some people I know in the face for no reason 

5. Who do you want to be like?

Like me. I like being like me. LOL XD

6. Who do you look up to the most?

No one. I don't look up to anyone the most.

7. Who is your favorite soloist?

Don't have one

8. What is your favorite song?

Super junior - Shining Star

9. If you could meet one person who would it be? (Only one. [LOLOL BoA :D])

Lee Hongki

10. If you could live in Seoul, but never be able to come back home, would you?

No. No way.

11. If you could marry a Kpop idol, who would it be?

Bang Cheolyong (Mir)



Too lazy to come up with some questions. XD


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