Favorite member

My ultimate favorite member of Super Junior is Kim Jongwoon, aka Yesung. The main reason why I like him is his smile. His smile is probably his best quality. The way his eyes shine when they turn smaller is just adorable. Another reason why he's my favorite is that he is the best mood maker out there! Most people can think he's cold hearted at first, but once you keep paying attention to him, you'll see that he's just a child at heart. Maybe that's why they all get along so well. They're all children at heart. Another reason why I like him is his voice. His voice is just something different. His voice is just..... Unique! One of a kind! Maybe even mind-blowing! Its just something hard to describe but when he sang with KRY, I fell in love with his voice all over again. There are probably hundreds of different reasons why he's my favorite but these are the main ones. Thank you for reading my reasons. -AFF name, CamiLove


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