Cross Academy ❥



Application Cross Academy


Your info

Username + link: YuiRin-Black

Activity: 9 ^^


Admission File

Name: Sato Mizuki 

DOB: August 12, 1991

Height: 157 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Profile picture: 


Ulzzang name: (Not ulzzang but actress) Haruka Shimazaki

Back up ulzzang: Park Hwan Hui


Previous records

Personality: Mizuki's name simply means "Beautiful Moon" which was given by her parents. It was night when she was born and her parents saw a very beautiful moon above the night sky so they named her Mizuki. Mizuki has been a very obedient and kind-hearted girl. She may be cold sometimes at school because she tries her best to study and get a high mark. She was trained in Martial Arts when she was a kid, even though she's a good kid she sometimes fight her classmates when her heart can't explain what she wants to say anymore or out of words because of feelings. She bullies the own bullies of the school. When she in charge in the class if the teacher is absent, she'll throw the eraser to noisy classmates and even worse she will explode and kick the seat of anyone noisy in the class and shout at him/her. Her weakness is her feelings. She cannot fight  if she is crying so she'll probably run away and burst out her feelings somewhere quiet especially the rooftop of the school. MIzuki turns into a shy and cute girl when she is with someone she likes or when she talks about it with her friends. She is a friendly girl but sometimes mistaken as a quiet girl just because she loves to go to the rooftop to have peace. The reason why she loves peace is because she loves meditating so she could relax and then study after that. Her ideal type is someone with a bright smile who is very cool and nice as well. Mizuki longs to have someone special who can protect and love her.

Background: In her high school days, Mizuki has been a semi-deliquent student. She has good grades but she always fights some schoolmates and even classmates so once in a while the School President calls her parents. She explained that she was just protecting her beloved friends and herself. Her parents love her but they had to scold her at home too because of the troubles she has been making in school. Her father is a famous CEO of a mall and her mother owns a coffee shop. They both love Mizuki. Mizuki also has a older brother who is always there for her.

Reason of enrollment: Being a Semi-delinquent. Bullying the bullies. Destruction of school stuff like seats and more.


Extra Info

Habits: Staring, Eyesmiles, Fixing her hair, Shouting and smirking.

Hobbies: Listening to music, Martial Arts, Meditating, Studying, Reading books, and Fighting.

Likes: Sweets, Cute Accesories, Uniform, Rooftop, Peace, Music & Shopping.

Dislikes: Bullies, Crying, Getting Hungry, Diet, Bugs & Noisy Classmates. 



Sato Haruki, 57, Mall CEO, Father

Sato Akemi, 48 , Coffe Shop Owner, Mother 

 Sato Yasu, 22, Student, Older Brother

Partner: Miura Haruma

Personality: He is a very nice classmate of Mizuki. Haruma was newly transfered in the school because of his deliquent problems too. Mizuki has been helping Haruma with studies and they are friends. He can be really angry and beat someone up when you talk bad about people he loves. When he's not angry, he is very polite and tries to get his grades up. Haruma secretly started liking Mizuki. Mizuki also kind of found a guy who has a bright smile. It was him.

Programme: Peer.

Park Hyungsik (Ze:a)

Personality: Hyungsik was friends with Mizuki since high school but they went into different schools after. Hyungsik is very fun to be with and will make you happy if you are sad. He is a very cheerful person who will always smile and will try to forget about problems. He came to visit Mizuki at Cross Academy and he did it everyday if he can.

Programme: Peer.


Suggestions/comments/questions: Annyeong! Please ask me if you don't understand something or if you need help! I hope you like my app! Hwaiting!♥♥♥



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