Oh Joy =_=

So, right now I'm watching a Taiwanese drama called "Devil Beside You." I'm only on episode 6 and it's already past a love triangle and it has moved on to a love polygon. It's really really good.

But that's not the highlight of my day. :)

Guess what happened!


You aren't guessing are you?

Oh well.

So, I was coming out of church (the one I go to is two stories), and I fell down the stairs. It was about 3 stairs I think, and I was very very lucky because I did not sprain or break any bone! ^^ But, I did manage to (I think) bruise my back, and arm, and (I know) that I scraped up my arm and peeled some of the skin off. =_=

Then, after I finally put on a bandage (okay, 3), I went outside to work in my yard - t bushes and raking pine straw. ^^ It wasn't really bad, but afterwards my hand was shaking!!! >< My arm is still sore.

But, I did get to hang out with my friends today and one of my favorite fanfics was finally updated so I'm happy!!! ^^


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