USERNAME: dino-nerd525




NAME: Jung Kyu Jin

AGE (18-22): 19

BIRTHDAY: 8/13/1993


HOME: Seoul, Korea

NICKNAME: Jin, Jinnie, Wan Ru (her Chinese name)

LANGUAGE: Korean, Chinese



<>THE LOOKS<>                            


PICTURE LINKS: 001 002 003 004 005


PICTURE LINKS: 001 002 003



BACKROUND: Kyu Jin was born in Seoul, Korea, but she was put up for adoption since her biological parents were toto young to raise a child. A Chinese family soon adopted her because they could no longer produce children after their first child. Ever sincce then, Kyu Jin lived in Beijing, China. Since she was already given her legal birth name, her parents decided just to give her a Chinese name which was Wan Ru. Kyu Jin had an older sister named Mei Lin. To be honest, Mei Lin and Kyu Jin didn't get along well at all. They rarely talked, and when they did, they would usually disagree about things.

Ever since Kyu Jin was old enough to toddle, she always had to live up to the expectations of well... her own sister. Mei Lin has always been the favorite child, leaving Kyu Jin in her shadow. Kyu Jin was worked way too hard, either because her parents forced her, or because she just wanted to be given some praise or attention, whether it was with grades, her instruments, or sports. She had quite strict parents and they would scold her a lot if she did something wrong or did bad in something. They would usually yell at her, then beat her. Kyu Jin has many scars and bruises from it. Mei Lin would also join and gang up on her. Sometimes, Kyu Jin wondered if she was ever actually treated like their family member or a slave. One day, Kyu Jin couldn't take it anymore and moved out of her home. Just like she suspected, her family did nothing about it and let her leave. She moved to Seoul, Korea, to start off from there and lives in an apartment by herself.

PERSONALITY: Kyu Jin is usually the youngest out of her friends, but she is the most motherly and responsible. She feels the need to take care of others, even if she knows them or not. She is very mature and usually won't talk unless needed or asked to. Other than that, she'll just keep to herself, not that she ever really minded or anything. Kyu Jin has a really good school record, thanks to her high intelligence and her good and respectful attitude. She likes to keep it this way, so she usually stays away from trouble and/or trouble makers. She has a very traditional character and doesn't like to make a big scene out of everything. She is simple yet sweet. You can always count on her to do something and she is very trustworthy as well.

When you first meet Kyu Jin, you'd think of her as cold and rude since she really ignores you most of the time and gives you short answers when you try to talk to her, when in reality, that's all false. Kyu Jin just isn't used to change and can only let loose in comfortable surroundings. If not in familiar surroundings, she'll probably just keep quiet and not talk at all, much like a background character. However, don't think that she'll open up to you quickly. It cana take days, at the most, weeks, for her to acknowledge your presence. You really have to try with her. If you don't, she'll think you don't care about her and that you wouldn't be a good person to hang around. When she does get used to you, though, she'll start acting like her usual self and will talk, which still isn't much, but at least she talks a bit more and you know she doesn't hate you.

Kyu Jin has lots of trouble expressing herself. If you bring her to a party, she'll most likely cling onto you the wole entire time or will sit in a corner and watch everyone have fun. She just can't say what's on her mind, and you never know what she't thinking sisnce her facial expressions don't exactly help, either. She just can't have fun since she stresses too much. Sometimes she just needs to calm down, but she can't. Whenever they're out all she does is worry about their safety, what they're gonna do, pretty much everything. When you take her somewhere, she'll just act like your mother and watch over you. She also can't express herself because she is very insecure and is afraid of what others think of her. She can't push past people and can't stand up for anything. She just follows whatever since she is very obedient. She also isn't good at being center stage since she gets nervous and is a big spazz. No matter how much she does want to show what she's feeling, she just can't.

Kyu Jin is both physically and mentally weak. She at most physical activites and she is quite sensitive. This is pracitcally the only time when she does show emotion. She takes everything said about her to mind and to heart and gets upset pretty easily, so you have to be careful of what you say to or about her. When she's upset, she's also angry. She isn't one to hold a grudge, but she'll hint to you that she is mad at you because she just wants things back to normal. You'll know when she's mad at you when she always makes an excuse to leave whenever you're around, or she'll just ignore you.


-bubble tea

-winnie the pooh


-quiet places/peaceful places


-sunny days

-the sound of water running

-being alone (she's used to it)

-short showers

-sleeping in

-horror movies (she says she doesn't like them but she really does)


-being center of attention/publicly speaking

-being pressured

-when people call her cute

-getting sick 

-gag shows

-horror movies (she says she doesn't like them but she really does)

-when people notice her scars

-her own laugh



-ping pong




-art (origami, drawing, etc)


-snorts when laughs (the reason why she hates her laugh. She doesn't want anyone hearing git since it's so embarrassing tot her.)

-blinks rapidly when about to cry

-makes up an excuse to leave when uncomfortable

-hyperventilating when nervous

-puffing up cheeks when bored


-finds horror movies extremely hilarious (why she tells everyone she hates them when she really does. It's because she laughs a lot when she sees one and since she hates her laugh, she doesn't want to watch them)

-absolutely LOVES bubble tea

-has never dated or kissed anyone

-can't swim

-still has many scars rom when here parents beat her

-secretly wants to find her birth parents

-is called the "umma" by her friends (mother)

-deathly allergic to peanuts and if she eats them and doesn't have immediate treatment, she could die

-has a soft spot for kids

-LOVES winnie the pooh and can't help but freak out when she sees him in disneyland





-ping pong






-Tao tries teaching Kyu Jin wushu but Kyu Jin, since she's terrible at physical activity, she fails, but they end up having a good time since it was really funny

-They watch a horror movie and Kyu Jin starts laughing hysterically and gets embarrassed

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE HIM: Kyu Jin really wanted to be able to express herself and she thought if anyone would be able to do it, he would be the one to help her. Also, she thought he seemed to have a childish personality and was very cute and she has a soft spot for children and cute things.

My reason: Both Tao and Chanyeol are my biases ^^

BACK-UP: Chanyeol



WHY DID YOU JOIN TO THE SHOW: Since Kyu Jin just moved to Seoul, she wanted to start out fresh from her terrifying past. She wanted to change her "too-mature-to-do-anything" character and show her family that she was capable of succeeding no matter what without all the scolding and beating. She thought that this show would really help her people skills and somehow change her and get her to have fun more often. She also thought it would be a great experience in her life. It was totally perfect for her to do all of these things, just to take care of a baby. That would be no problem, since she absolutely loves them.







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