
OK, I usually don't blog much, but I'm freaking out right now! Like I've been acting completely calm in front of my friends and family, but I'm freaking out cause school is start up again in like... 2 days.... not only that but it's my senior year! Like I've been so stressed that I haven't bee sleeping properly for the past few weeks(that's how long I've been stressing), but it seems to be getting worse. What's worse is that I'm taking a Pre-Calc... I'm pretty good at math but I'm getting this teacher that I hate(he yelled at me for having a cell phone out and I DIDN'T even own one!!!!) and he can barely speak English! He yells at me in Bosian every time he sees me and everything! >.< So now I'm forced to study a head so I don't get a bad grade in his class! Like I'm studying Pre Calc right now and it ! The teacher I was suppose to have moved down to Alg. 1(which is what the Bosian teacher taught when I first had him! =_=)

  I've been so stressed I've been having my brain literally shut off! Like I forgot how to open a door and ran right into the door! TT~TT Which really hurt after I found myself on the ground and my mind processed what happened. I also have to study for the ACT, SAT(I'm in debat to take that test) and also scholarship programs! *ruffles hair* That's also not including writing " I Fell In Love With My Nanny?!" story. Well I just wanted to say this cause I've been stressed. I'll updating the next chapter tomorrow or something before(or after) volleyball practice. *Sigh* Anyone got any advice? I'm soooo willing to take any right about now if anyone is reading this. haha ^^"


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