App for GirlGroup Unique


Name  : Arizona Lee



Birthday:October 31

Birthplace: New York City

Hometown: New York

Ethnicity: Korean-American

Languages: Korean, English, Chinese, and Russian


Who'z That This  Girl ?

Idol Name: Kahi(after School)







Backup Idol :Son DamBi

Pictures (+5)



Height: 5'10

Weight: 140 pounds

Style: Tough, cool look

Extra:tattoo on inner wrist. Two piercings on her ear, and wears a mask a lot.

Scar from bottom of her bottom lip to her chin. Not very noticable.



Personality: Nice, funny, easy-going, adventurous.

On-Screen:Calm, cool, and doesn't talk as much.

Off-Screen:Goofy, nerdish, funny, talkative

Likes:  B.A.P., Teen Top, Big Bang, Sweets, spicy foods, video games, skate boarding, coffee, playing with kids

Dislikes: Clowns, her scar, elevators

Major Flaws:  Nervous around guys and self conscious

Hobbies: composing music, free style rappings, free style dancing.

Habits: adjusting her mask, when nervous(mostly around guys) scratches her chin, saying 'Leggo'

Talents:  Can imitate a guys voice, can break dance, and do a backflip.

Trivia:Favorite movie is 2012 and WALLE,loves to talk to SimSimi, can singing in Russian and Chinese also, and was on a Coed soccer team in High School.


Background: Was born in America. Lived with her mom, twin brother, and dad. Mom and Dad got a divorce when she turned 6 and lives with Mom. Mom was always sick so she had to take care of her constantly. Her mom died when she was 9 and moved in with her dad, who died in a car accident when she turned 13. Lives with abusive uncle and his wife until she and her brother auditioned for a Korean entertainment and became trainees.


Angela Lee: died when she was 35. She worked as a Biochemist until her work got her sick from an accident. Kind and gentle woman. Was very shy and quiet. Put others before herself all the time. Biggest reason she got a divorce from her husband because she didn't want him to worry or be in pain when she was gone.


Ji-Yong Lee: Died when he was 43. He was 6 years older than his wife. Worked as a freelance designer. Very nice and reasonable. Funny and outgoing.


SiHyun Lee: Age 18. Is a trainee for the same Korean entertainment as his sister. Very nice and outgoing. Loves to preform, get attention, and acting cute.


Jacob Miller: Age 40. Works as head of his construction company. Rude, mean, and very greedy. He's very abusive to his wife, SiHyun, and Arizona.


Mary Miller: Age 39. Is a maid. Very shy and quiet. She's nice to her niece and nephew. Helped get them to Korea to audition.


Best Friend: 


Nick Fisher: Age 20. When Arizona was 5 she got lost and ended up in a park. She cried and he gave her a tissue and helped look for her parents. Been friends ever since. He has a small crush on her.


Amy Quincy: Age 16. Works at a McDonalds. Very girly and nice and outgoing. Adoptive cousin. She met her through a family reunion when she was 10.


Claire Newman: Age 18. Works as a hairstylish. She's very smart and was able to graduate early. She's nerdish and very nice. Was Arizona's tutor in math.




Kim Choi. Age 19. Group: Spectrum. Rude and thinks she's better than she is. Tries to act overly cute to get what she wants and manipulative. Ran into her as a trainee and she was yelling at her. Ari snapped back and Kim tries to get revenge.


Biggest Secret:

Was kidnapped when she was 10 and was almost killed.

As Long as You Love Me

Former Love: None


Crush: Zelo from B.A.P. 16, Rapper of B.A.P. Goofy, funny, and cute.

How Do You Treat Each Other?: Best Friends. Was practicing Zelo's rap to Warrior when walking and he over heard her and they began to talk.


Back up Crush: Seungri from Big Bang

How Did You Meet? : Was dancing with her Brother at a shopping complex and Big Bang was walking by and watched them. ( It was their day off) They complemented them after the crowd cleaned and began to talk.


How Do You Treat Each Other? Aeungri flirts with her, but she's obivious. She likes to .



How do you want your love story to unfold: Idc haha


Trainee Years:  4 years

How was your trainee life?: Was hard but fun. It was good over all.

Pre-Debut Info:  Was in one show for a whole season until character died off. Featured in one of B.A.P.'s MV.

What Would You Like To Do On Your Own: Likes to Act.

Stage Name:Ari

Personal Fan Club Name: Skies


Postions :Leader/Main Rapper

Back-up Positon :Main Vocialist

Other Back-up Positon :  Main Dancer


Rap Twin Name - Rap Links

Dancing  Twin Name - Dance Links

Singing Twin Name -Sing Links

Voice Twin Name -




Past scandels?: Thought to have smoked. ( Was proven false)

What scandels do you want to happen?:

Dating rumor? Idk haha




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