What Do I do?

I have so many stories already started, and i'm trying to do all of them, but i can't all at once. And my subscribers tell me to keep updating..and so i stress myself trying and even wrecking my sleep pattern trying to complete chapters on stories i need to finish or haven't started yet and just have forwards to. I am an avid writer and avid fanfic reader, and i'm doing my best. But I have to apply to colleges, worry about loans ans , and think about next chapters? 


But i'll keep trying. I just needed to ramble off to someone or something. And i was logged on here, so why not post this right? And I feel like i'm neglecting being a fangirl to MBLAQ. MBLAQ was the reason i discovered KPOP in the first place. Then that led me to bes\ast, then Block B debuted, and through them i found B1A4, and through them Boyfriend, and ! 

Am i a bad fangirl? What do i do? I write better for Beast and Block B... but i want to write something about MBLAQ... but what the can i do?


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KatieRose380 #1
You know what it's okay that you don't update a lot people have to understand that you have a life to and it's alright no one blames you :) and I found KPOP through Shinee and I feel like a bad fangirl because I'm listening to Beast, Block B, DBSK, & Jay Park...... more than I do Shinee..... I feel bad... LOL ^_^ ,but that's okay because their still my #1 band because they made me discover KPOP !!