just ranting. ...

So guys, I was bored today, and descided to read these two 'OnTae' fics that i've had saved for months.

Just so happens both involve JongKey and Jongyu as well.

Isn't that fantastic? Well, i thought it would be fine, because, well, they're fics, nothing you can do about it. :3

When i was reading the first one, i started getting mad, not at the writing or the author, both were quite good, but because Jonghyun was cheating on my poor dubu-leader. ;A;

terrible right? *Sniffles*

Anyways, i obviously continued reading it, because, well, duh.

But it turns out Onew knew that Jonghyun was cheating on him the entire time, actually over a dozen times because Jonghyun had many affairs while with Jinki.

Anyways, I did cry during the anniversary party jinki had for Jonghyun, and got him a great gift, while Kim ing Jonghyun forgot it was their anniversary, but got Key a gift instead!

Sorry, i just have a love/hate relationships like that, expecially when it involves my bias(es) getting hurt.

But anyways, to save you guys a long talk, i finally got to the end of the fic.

And. There. Was. No. ing. OnTae.

I'm serious, there was none!

All those emotions for nothing.


So i descided to read the other one.

Ironically, it also involved JongKey and JongYu.

This time there was no cheating atleast, just heartbreak for Onew because Jonghyun left him for Key.

So, again, i finished the entire fic thinking there would be OnTae of some sort, any sort.

But. No.

There. Was. None.

It. Just. Ended. With. JongKey. ing. While. Onew. Was. Packing, His. Bags. To. Leave.


Why do I read these again? t(-_-t)



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