Do We Have To Drink?

"Dude,you should come...they'll have alcohol!"
So this is one way of bribing the youth today into coming to a party. Im not talking just about Pakistan,but this is pretty common all over the world. Im not expressing my religious views on this matter because these days it doesnt really matter which religion youre from. Having alot of foreign friends, I get this alot "But..dont muslims not drink?" Its hilarious really. Well ofcourse they drink. You throw a vodka bottle at a gang of teenage boys and they'll slurp it up like water. Am I against drinking? No. Everyone makes choices. Mine is to not torture my liver by drinking something that tastes like human excrements. It really has nothing to do with being Islamic.

What Im curious about is whether people really believe that alcohol is a must at parties? Ive received invitations to quite a few. Most believe that it 'puts you in the mood'. Perhaps for some thats how it works. But you could be sleep-deprived or high on chocolate to be in the mood. Or just generally happy?
It isnt just alcohol,but drugs too. Ive actually come across a place that sells drugs. I believe its called "Psyche Delics". Really obvious name. I dont really know what goes on at these parties but I have a good idea of why men prefer to go to them. I mean,who wouldnt want a girl drunk out of her mind rubbing against their crotches and making out with anything that moves? I find it hilarious because Ive met a few girls like this and they have this aura around them that generates an automatic eye-roll from you. To put it in words,theyre of the impression that because they drink,they're 'cool' and guys 'want them'. Well yes,why would a guy pass up the opportunity to be with a woman with no self-respect? Again,its not about being religious. It has more to do with being a woman of substance. Would you really choose to reduce yourself to such a pathetic level where you would resort to alcohol to get attention?
What happened to the days when it was intellect over uality? Or I guess they never existed in the first place.

Peer pressure has alot to do with whether one decides to indulge in drinking or not. If you dont drink youre automatically labelled as a 'goody two shoes' or just not fun. In order to fit in,it has become necessary to toss aside your morals and do what everyone else is doing.
"Yaar,uss party mein tou crazy scene tha!"[Man,that party was crazy] While sitting in college,Ive heard this line alot. Ive literally seen 18 year old boys who come to college completely drunk and their friends hog around them like theyve won a gold medal at the Olympics. Has being immoral become a norm of our society? Is being a good person now too 'up-tight'?

In a country like South Korea,drinking is a must. If you dont,youre considered unsociable. It is respectful to pour a drink for your senior and accept the first round poured for you because if you dont,well..youre in trouble of being a social outcast. At first when I heard of this,I was pretty shook up because I dont drink and I have no desire to. I thought about it for days before it hit me,my morals are more important and people will just have to respect that. If someone offers me a drink I just politely say that its not lady-like. Ive been with people who drink infront of me,girls who smoke infront of me and girls who speak so highly of their drunken escapades. Im sorry,thats really nothing to be happy about.
We live in a time where female empowerment is supposed to be the 'in thing',feminism all the way. But really,what is feminism? When you hear the word 'feminine',does a drunken half- woman come to mind? Ive been raised according to the morals a respectful lady is supposed to I dont have the mannerisms of a tramp. I sit properly with one leg behind the other,I walk gracefully and I get uncomfortable when a guy tries to hug me or be excessively touchy. Yes,often times Im told that Im up-tight and snobby and I need to 'chill'. However,if 'chilling' requires me to wear short dresses,flaunt around my undies and toss myself at a random stranger...I'd rather be a snob.

In conclusion,I believe alcohol has been morphed into a necessity by the upper-class. Its become a requirement in order to fit in and declining means you dont know how to have fun. I really hope our society can come out of this strange dilemma and realize that good conversation and meaningful friendships can be developed over a cup of coffee rather than a jug of beer.


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I thought I was the only one who noticed this. My friends use meeting up as an excuse to buy crap loads of alcohol and get wasted at the common or at someone's house and it just annoys me to be honest. Worst part is that they're all young. By the time they're 25+...well they're going to be ____ed.

I'm not saying don't drink but omg, respect your poor liver and drink in moderation.
I totally agree, I've heard dudes in my class showing off several times about 'how drunk they where last weekend' like it is something to be proud of -_- I really don't understand their way of thinking. Lol at the "chilling" part x'D
Btw I feel like reading an essay instead of a blog ur so pro~ x'3
ayakasakagami #3
Woah I can't believe my comment got censored. :))
ayakasakagami #4
Yes I really agree with you. Before my classmates go to a party they always ask first if there is alcohol. Sometimes they even smoke. This is why a lot of girls my age get ____d or pregnant. I just hope that it will stop sometime soon.
Do you not hug? :( I thought that was pretty harmless and common.
LOL making out with anything that moves. That just made my day
I agree all the way~! Alcohol isn't bad, but it shouldn't be the main event of the party. The reasons why it's so fun is because males do tend to think that drunk girls are easier to get. All in all they have no morals for thinking that way and women have no morals for believing that getting drunk will make them more attractive and what not. No you hoe it makes you look like a ~!

I seriously find myself in a state of shock when a guy who has class notices the intelligence you carry not the beautiful aspect of your body but the beauty of your mind. Society Is so fed up with ___ that they ignore the beauty of morals.

Morals means a good reputation. A good reputation is everything we have, we should make it count.

Love your stories and your blogs. You Make me think a lot~!
I agree with a few things you said but not everything. Not everyone thinks that just because a person chooses not to drink that they're no fun. In my group of friends they all say I'm one of the funnest one to be around and that there's never a dull moment when I'm with them. And they know that I don't drink. Whenever we're at a party they know that I won't go near anything alcoholic.

I just want to tell you that sure society is making it seem like the way you put everything but not everyone is as ignorant to think that no alcohol = no fun.
I totally agree with everything you say! So true!
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