I don't like being upset

I really hate being upset!!

There's nothing that feels as icky as being mad but right now I just can't make myself feel better :(


Here's what's going on.

Today I was cycling in the city. I had to cross the road because the path was one way traffic from that point on. I realized my mistake and got off my bike and dragged it off the road. About two seconds later an old lady cycled past me, complaining about annoying youngsters, I knew she was talking about me because she mentioned my rather sense of style, and I was really upset! It really hurt my feelings, I mean, I got off in time and out of the way before she could would have to move out of the way. It really upset me :( It's so rude to complain about people like that.. I was trying to make up for my mistake and she just nags..

And there's this boy staying here who's a rather nice kid but he's hyperactive and he's on medication.. So you know what kind of kid it is. I'm fine with that, it's just that he keeps asking me bothering questions (you know this kind of questions; Kid: what are you doing?Me: *explains* Kid: Why? Me: *explains* Kid: Why? Me: *explains* Kid: Why?) and he even asked my help to annoy myself.. I mean, I like kids, but you don't ask an eighteen year old GIRL to help set up your 1st person shooter game that he has been laying for four days straight with the volume on ing 40! So now I have to deafen myself with my headphones, killing my hearing little by little so I don't have to hear him kill aliens. My mother just let's him do whatever he wants. And she keeps telling me to take care of him and it's so tiring! I feel like crying! It doesn't work that I have to work really hard for school and my partners for this really big project keep insulting my ideas before coming up with an idea that's almost exactly like it! It's so hard for me because no matter what I do it seems is wrong :( I hate it.. I feel like crying.

My brother hit his head against my laptop while I was moving it so the kid could play his first person shooter game and I shrieked in surprise. He got upset with me because he thought I was worried for my laptop. It makes me so sad because I never fight with him. Of course I was worried about him but he didn't believe me. It's making me cry really hard right now.. I really love my brother and I don't want to see him hurt ever, so it's so painful that he doesn't believe me. Even K-pop isn't working to cheer me up right now. I hate feeling miserable :(


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