Day three of no meat

As of today I want meat really bad. I want stew chicken with rice and beans with some fried plantains. Now that's yummy . Aww now I'm torturing my lself just by thinking about it. Oh it's my dads fault he brought it up. But I want it so bad.i love meat so much. T_T. Aww. So for anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about look at the blog before this. I forgot how to put it here. So just look on my blog.  So I made quesadilla today. First time and I didn't burn it well except minei didnt burn my moms though. So I gues that counts. So we did our normal routine treadmill and bike for 40 minute I ran on the treadmill  for 11 minutes. That's my new record. Yay. But I'm still tired from that. Then for dinner taco. Rice and bean tacos. They were ok my mom put taco seasoning on it so it was ok. Still doesn't compare to meat though. DOESNT come CLOSE. I miss it already. To tell you the truth I don't know how I'm gonna survive when I go back to school. I have a few things 7 things that I like. And I won't be able to eat them. I bet my friends will shove it in my face. Oh well

Thats the end of my ranting. Bye bye. Oh blog tommorow.


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fighting! it is hard without meat~ hehe
Oh you poor baby :D
But it's okay! You is strong and independent and you can do it!
For how much longer to you have to do it??? <333333